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Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Answers 2022 – 22nd June 2022

Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Answers 2022: EXPO: Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Questions and Answers 2022/2023, 2022/2023 Nabteb EXPO ON Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay QUESTIONS, 2022 Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Questions & Answers is Out.

Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Answers 2022: here are the verified Nabteb 2022 Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay questions and answers for SS3 students for Wednesday 22nd June 2022. Nabteb 2022 Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Questions and Answers.

Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Answers 2022 for 22nd June 2022 with questions Practical 100% verified official questions and answers for senior secondary schools.

Nabteb Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Obj & Essay Answers 2022

Wednesday, 22nd June 2022

  • Draughtsmanship Craft Practice (Draughtsmanship) (Objective & Essay) 9:00am – 11:40am

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Nabteb 2022 Past Answers

Ọnwu na-egbu nwa nkịta, anaghị ekwe ya anụ isi nsị

Ndị Igbo na-ekwu na, “onye bu mmadụ ụzọ sibe nri na-aka ya enwe nkpọnkpọ ite”. Nkea bụ okwu Ichie Izejịọha kpụ n’ọnụ, n’ime ọgbakọ ndị Ichie, n’obodo Nwaboluche, maka ikpe gbasara otu ọmalịcha nwa agbọghọbia a na-akpọ Nchedo. Ndi nze na ọzọ nile, nakwa ụmụada pụtara n’ama obodo, maka ikpe ụmụ okorobịa dị iche iche kpesara Eze na-achị obodo Nwabọluche.
Nchedo bụ nwa agbọghọ, ejiri maka ya wee kpọọ ya bụ ikpe. Ụmụ Okorobịa asaa n’obodo Nwabọluche, gbakọrọ aka wee jee na nke Igwe kpesara ya ka Nchedo siri wee ghọlia ha nile, ma kwee ha nkwa n’iche n’iche, na ọ ga alụ ha. Ihe wutere ụmụ okorobịa ndị mere ha jiri wee gaa na nke Igwe bụ na, omego afọ abụọ Nchedo jiri wee na ayịkọ ha nile, na anara ha ego maka ihe dị iche ịche, ma na ekwekwa ha nkwa na ha ga alụ ya. Ọ ruola afọ abụọ tupu ụmụ okorobịa asaa ndia, were chọpụta aghụghọ Nchedo na-agho ha. Iwe juputara ha obi mgbe ha chọpụtara, ha nile wee kgbakoo ọnụ jee kọsárá Igwe obodo ihe ha gabi gara n’aka nwa agbọghọ a bụ Nchedo.

Igwe obodo kàrà íkpè a n’ama Nwabọluche, ndị Ichịe na-kwa ụmụada ka Igwe tinyere ya bụ ikpe n’aka. A kpọpụtara Nchedo n’ama jụọ ya ajụjụ gbasara ikpe ụmụ okorobịa butere gbasara ya. Nchedo mechiri anya ya wee kpọọ ụmụ okorobịa ndị a aha n’otu n’otu, wee si ha na bụ ndị nzuzu, ya mere ọ jírí wee ghọlia ha. Ndi ụmụ ada gwara Nchedo ka oyoo ụmụ okorobịa ahụ mgbaghara, mana kọ osina dị, obi Nchedo mere mkpọchi, ọ geghị onye ọ bụla ntị. Ndị ichie were iwe nke ukwuu, ha jikọrọ aka ọnụ wee mapụ Nchedo n’obodo, maka ha kwekọrịtara n’ụdị àgwà nwa agbọghọ ahụ bụ Nchedo kpara, ga akuziri ụmụ agbọghọ na’etolite etolite ajọ ihe.
Ngwa ngwa Nchedo nụrụ nke a, ọ dara na ala n’ayịyọ, mana oge agaala mgbe ọ na-eme nke a, maka na ụmụ ada gbakọtara azụ, were azịza na abụ nkọcha wee chụpụ ya n’obodo. Ka nkea na-eme, otu agadi nwanyị bụ onye isi ụmụada tìrì mkpu n’oke olu wee si, “ọnwu na-egbu nwa nkịta, anaghị ekwe ya anụ isi nsị”.

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Nkebiokwu bu usorookwu nwere nghota ma o nweghi ngwaa. O bukwu mkpuruokwu abuo ma o bu ato no n’usoro na enweghi ngwaa di ka nwoke a, mu na gi dgz.

Kembuuzo: Nke a na-abu mbuuzo nke aha na-eso.
(i) Nna ya bi n’Aba.
(ii) Ha no n’oriri.
(iii) Azu na-ebe na mmiri.

Kemfinitiv: Nke a na-abu mfinitiv nke mkpoaha na-esote.
(i) Izu ohi joro njo.
(ii) Anyi akwusila ife arusi.
(iii) A maara Akwaete maka ikwe akwa.

Udi mmetuta obi okpoabu nwere mgbe o na-agu egwu a bu:
Obi ya bu Polina polina ma buru kwa so aṅuri.

Ihe ano okpoabu kporo aha a muru n’abu a bu:
(i) Nwa nwoke
(ii) Taksi.
(iii) Nwa nwaanyi.
(iv) akpa ego

(i) Ozo na ekpu kpuru gedee.
(ii) Nchi na aga kpuru gedee.
(iii) Ugo na efe kpuru gedee.
(iv) Mbe na-agho aghugho
(v) Ufu n’ezu ori

Ezinaulo gunyere nna, nne na umu ha niile, nnukwu nna na nnukwu nne rue na umu umu ha. O bu ebe obibi nna, nne na umu ha niile. E nwere ezinaulo otu mkpuke na ezinaulo mbisa.

(i) Ezinaulo otu mkpuke gunyere naani nna, nne na umu ha niile.
(ii) Ebe ezinaulo mbisa gunyere nna, nne, umu ha nnukwu nna na nnukwu nne rue na umu umu ha.

(i) O na-ahu maka ozuzu umu ya.
(ii) O na-ahu maka ihe oriri ha.
(iii) Ikwu ugwo akwukwo bukwa oru ya.

(i) O na-edewe ulo ocha.
(ii) O na-enyekwa aka izulite umu ntakiri.
(iii) O na-esi nri ezinaulo.

(i) Ha na-aga ozi n’ezinaulo.
(ii) Ha na-enyere ndi nne aka n’isi nri.
(iii) Ha na-aruru ezinaulo oru ubi.

When the head moves or changes position, the endolymph fluid in the semi-circular canals moves and stimulates the nerve endings. The nerve endings then transmit the impulses through vestibular to the cerebellum of the brain where the new position at the head is interpreted and the appropriate responses sent to the muscular system to maintain body balance.

The middle ear in humans can be split into three parts; external, middle, and inner. The middle ear lies within the temporal bone and extends from the tympanic membrane to the lateral wall of the inner ear. The main function of the middle ear is to transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear via the auditory ossicles.


Deficiency diseases are diseases that are caused by the lack of certain essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, in one’s diet over a prolonged period of time

– Beri-Beri ; Intake of vitamin B
– Kwashiorkor; Intake of protein
– Scurvy; Intake vitamin C
– Goitre ; Intake of iodine in diet
– Anaemia; Intake of iron and copper

-Put a few small, freshly cut pieces of yam in a clean test tube, then Pour 10 mL distilled water into the test tube.
-Now, boil the contents of the test tube for about 5 minutes. Allow the test tube to cool.
-Filter the contents of the test tube through a filter paper. Test the obtained filtrate for the presence of starch by adding iodine.
-If colour changes to pink then iodine is presence

-Heat a solution of the orange fruit then add Benedict’s reagent and observing the colour change orange.
-It is a clear blue solution of sodiumand copper salts.
-In the presence of simple sugars, the blue solution changes color to green, yellow, and brick-red, depending.

(i) Disease: Cholera
Causative organism: Bacterium (vibro cholerae)
Vector: Housefly
Control: Keeping environment clean

(ii) Disease: Sleeping sickness
Causative organism: Trypanosome
Vector: tse-tse fly
Control: use of antiseptic

(iii) Disease: Malaria
Causative organism: Plasmodium (protozoa)
Vector: Female anopheles mosquito
Control: Draining of swamps

(iv) Disease: Ringworm
Causative organism: Trichophyton and microsporum
Vector: None
Control: Keeping of skin clean and dry

Salting is the dusting of farm products with table salt

Irradiation is the drying of some crops or products using the heat from the sun

Smoking is the drying of some farm products over a smoke of a naked fire

External fertilization is a mode of reproduction in which a male organism’s sperm fertilizes a female organism’s egg outside of the female’s body.

Internal fertilization occurs most often in land-based animals, although some aquatic animals also use this method. There are three ways that offspring are produced following internal fertilization.



(i)the foetus will not get oxygen
(ii)the foetus will not get nutrients.
(iii)waste products from your baby’s blood will not be removed

[pick three]

Competition in feeding among organisms for scarce resources leads to the death of weaker members of the species and the reproduction of the stronger members, leading to a dynamic equilibrium that balances the rate of death to the rate of birth.

(i) Problem of Wave
(ii) Effects of temperature
(iii) Salinity of the Marine
(iv) Humidity

Moisture helps in the germination of seeds by helping to activate the metabolic activities needed for germination, dissolved oxygen content in moisture acts is very beneficial to the biochemical process involved in germination.

Viable seeds are healthy and contain the organic requirements for a healthy germination, and is most times resistant to harsh weather conditions, and lack of nutrients.

Light energy is considered a limiting factor in production of food by autotrophs because, photosynthesis which is the main process by which autotrophs produce food cannot take place in the absence of light. The energy from light is solely responsible for the process of photosynthesis.

Nabteb 2022 Draughtsmanship Craft Practice Answers – 22nd June 2022

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