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Nabteb Physics Practical Answers 2022 for Wednesday 6th July 2022

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Nabteb Physics Practical Answers 2022

Wednesday 6th July 2022

  • Physics (Practical) 9:00am – 11:45am

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constitution is a set of. fundamental principles by which a nation or state is governed, whereas constitutionalism refers to strict adherence to a constitutional governance system.


constitution is often defined as the “supreme law of a country,” constitutionalism is a system of governance under which the power of the government is limited by the rule of law, while Constitutionalism recognizes the need of limiting concentration of power in order to protect the rights of groups and individuals.



(i) Rule of law

(ii) Separation of powers

(iii) Safeguard of fundamental human right

(iv) Majority rule and minority right

(v) Regular election

(vi) Checks and Balances

(vii) Accountability and transparency



Right of citizens are legal claims or entitlements, which every citizen enjoys in Nigeria as a country and which the state has duty to protect and guarantee.


(i) Right to life : This means that every human being has right to live. This right is inalienable.

(ii) Right to dignity of human person : This means that every human being must be respected and accorded dignity befitting a human person.

(iii) Right to personal liberty : This recognises freedom from unlawful arrest and intimidation.

(iv) Right to fair hearing: This recognizes the right to enjoy equality and fair hearing in law court. Both the rich and the poor must enjoy fair hearing. There should be no discrimination based on class, wealth and privileges.

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(v) Right to private and family life : This means that every human being is entitled to enjoy family life, without disturbance. Right to privacy denotes that every human being should not be disturbed in his enjoyment of privacy.

(vi) Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion : Every human being has the right to any religion of his choice in addition to enjoyment of freedom of thought and conscience.

(i). Obedience to the laws of the state

(ii)payment of taxes

(iii) defence of the state against any external attacks and internal insurrection.

(iv) vote during election

(v) protection of state/public property

(vi) respect for national symbols.



Repeated Ballot is the electoral system in which voters vote continuously with intervals for discussions and negotiation until a winner emerges.

(b) The second ballot is an electoral system in which the voters choose between the two candidates with the greatest number of votes in an earlier election that fails to produce a majority for any one candidate

(C) The simple plurality system is an electoral system in which the winner of an election is the candidate that received the highest number of votes.

(d) Primaries, also known as Primary elections, are a process by which voters can indicate their preference for their party’s candidate, or a candidate in general, in an upcoming general election, local election, or by-election. It is an election within a party by the party members.



Political Participation means the act of citizens show interest in the issues that concerns the state or country


Political participation is the involvement of the citizens in the political affairs of their country.


(i) Voting during election

(ii) Contesting during election

(iii) Campaigning during election

(iv) Registering as a voter
(v) Persuading people to vote

(vi) Participating in political discussions

(vii) looking for information in newspapers, magazines, and reference materials and judging its accuracy.





(i) Centralised administration: France formed all its 9 colonies into a federation with the headquarters at Dakar. At the head of this federation was a Governon General. The head of each colony was a Governor. The Governors were responsible to the Governor-General while the Governor-General was responsible to the minister of colonies in France.

(ii) Direct rule: France ruled the colonies directly. It was believed that France had sufficient men and women, ready to take part in the administration. They expressed their desire to live and work in Africa. Moreso, France was always of the opinion that her culture and civilization were the best in the world and that her mission was to expose this culture and her rich heritage. France fought protracted wars with most of these territories before acquisition e.g. Senegal, Upper Volta, Dahomey, etc. This issue made the French authorities decide that only trusted and reliable French officials ruled these conquered areas of West Africa.

(iii) Dual citizenship: West Africans were divided and categorized into citizens and subjects. However, to be a citizen, the following requirements must be made:
(a) The individual has to be born in any of the four communes
(b) Must provide evidence of good and attestable behaviour from the French colonial government.
(c) Must have served with the French colonial government for about ten years.

(iv) Education was limited / restricted: Few schools were built by the French authority and as a result very few people were educated. However, more educational opportunities existed in the communes than elsewhere and even at Paris for the Africans who were ‘citizens’. These educated citizens joined the civil service and even the teaching profession and they were able to form voluntary associations. Subjects or non citizens could not enjoy this priviledge given to the citizens. A few of them may be fortunate enough to reach the secondary school level.

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(v) Indigenat policy and forced labour: This was an obnoxious policy of the French. It was the right of the French officials to arbitrarily arrest and imprison any African for about two years without trials.

(vi) Disregard of Cultural heritage : France did not respect the culture of the people in her colonies. Instead, France imposed its culture on the already existing culture.

(vii) Absence of local assemblies: There was absence of local assemblies for Africans in their various colonies.



(i) The NYM had a congress/Convention as part of its organizational structure

(ii) A national executive was also in place headed by a president.

(iii) It also had branches established in some urban areas throughout Nigeria and a committee of twelve to prepare for the 1938 elections.

(iv) Its national headquarters was in Lagos.


(i) There was internal wrangling within the movement. founding of the Daily Service as the official mouthpiece of the party did not go down well with Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, the publisher of the West African Pilot.

(ii) The eventual resignation of Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe and Samuel Akinsanya virtually destroyed the limited national character of the NYM.

(iii) The movement was riven by Ethnic/tribal conflicts which pitched the leaders/supporters against one another.

(iv) The inherent internal weaknesses of the NYM structure could not solve the movement’s problems.





(i) More Africans were allowed into the legislative council.

(ii) Clifford constitution was the first written constitution in Nigeria.

(iii) It established a constitutional government in Nigeria as opposed to government by statutory instrument or orders.

(iv) The constitution created a conducive atmosphere for political activities and formation of political parties in Lagos and Calabar e.g.the NNDP of Herbert Macauley.

(v) Newspapers were established to further popularize the increased political activities.

(vi) The constitution made it possible for the elective representation of Nigerians into the legislative council.

(vii) The constitution established a new legislative council for the colony and protectorate of Southern Nigeria (excluding the northern protectorate)

(viii) The constitution gave inspiration to nationalist activities in the country which acted as a preparatory ground for self-govemment.

(ix) It increased political awareness through political education and political campaigns.
It enhanced greater political participation by means of political party membership.

(x) The constitution later generated political controversies which helped to increase the tempo of nationalism in Nigeria. This led to its revision in subsequent constitutions.



(i) The constitution did not reflect the wishes and aspirations of Nigerians. It remained largely unchanged even when there were widespread agitations and protests by Nigerian nationalists for representation in the management of their own affairs.

(ii) The legislative council created by the constitution was quite restrictive in its scope and coverage. It only made laws for the Southern Provinces and continued the colonial policy of isolating the North from the South.
The legislative council had no elected members from the North.

(iii) The majority of members of the Legislative Council were Europeans who obviously did not have a thorough understanding of the yearning and aspirations of Nigerians.

(iv) The few Nigerians on the Council were selected by the British colonial government and did not therefore truly represent the interest of Nigerians.

(v) The franchise for election into the legislative council was too narrow and restrictive as only the rich businessmen in Lagos and Calabar could easily contest elections under these electoral rules.

(vi) Nigerians were not consulted in the process of drafting the constitution.

(vii) The Executive Council which was dominated by Europeans had no real executive powers.

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