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Waec Computer Studies Answers 2022 – 25th May 2022

Waec Computer Studies Answers 2022 Obj & Essay is one of the underrated subjects in the Waec examination, but believe me, to pass and get an A in this particular subject is not really easy unless you are ready to take the necessary steps, and I think you landed on this page because you want to seek for Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay exam help.

Waec Computer Studies 2022






41-50: AAA–BAADA

An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into a human-perceptible form or, historically, into a physical machine-readable form for use with other non-computerized equipment.

(i) Dot Matrix Printers.
(ii) Thermal Printers.

“true” if either or both of the inputs are “true.” If both inputs are “false,” then the output is “false.” In other words, for the output to be 1, at least input one OR two must be 1.

(i)OR Gate
(ii) AND Gate


– Less expensive because each device only need one I/O port and wishes to be connected with hub with one link.

– it makes linear connections much easier to complete.

– Bus topology is not great for large networks

– If any individual connection in the ring is broken, the entire network is affected.


A chart can be defined as the pictorial or diagrammatical representation of data in a worksheet. It is used to represent the relationship between one or more data in a worksheet.

(i) Bar Chart.
(ii) Pie Chart.



SUB palindrome (w$)
FOR i = LEN(w$) TO 1 STEP -1
rev$ = rev$ + MID$(w$, i, 1)
IF rev$ = w$ THEN
PRINT “The given word is palindrome”
PRINT “The given word is not palindrome”


[2:23 pm, 25/05/2022] +234 808 867 9369: (4ai)
A slide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation, including the background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes, and positioning.

On the View menu, select Master > Slide Master. In the slide thumbnails on the left, select the layout you want to rename. On the Slide Master tab, click Rename. In the Rename Layout dialog box, type a new name, and then click Rename.

The HANDOUT MASTER tab in Microsoft PowerPoint is used to edit the appearance and layout of presentation handouts. Changes made to the handout master appear on all the pages of the printed handout.

The notes master in PowerPoint is a feature that allows you to control the settings of…
[2:23 pm, 25/05/2022] +234 701 468 1605: (4ai)
A slide master is the top slide in a hierarchy of slides that stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation, including the background, color, fonts, effects, placeholder sizes, and positioning.

On the View menu, select Master > Slide Master. In the slide thumbnails on the left, select the layout you want to rename. On the Slide Master tab, click Rename. In the Rename Layout dialog box, type a new name, and then click Rename.

The HANDOUT MASTER tab in Microsoft PowerPoint is used to edit the appearance and layout of presentation handouts. Changes made to the handout master appear on all the pages of the printed handout.

The notes master in PowerPoint is a feature that allows you to control the settings of the notes section of PowerPoint. It allows you to change layouts, font size, font type, font style, and much more. To enable the Notes Master in PowerPoint, click on the “View” ribbon and then on “Notes Master.

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Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay Questions and Answers 2022

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Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay 2022 Exam Date

The Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay 2022 examination has been scheduled to hold on Wednesday 25th May 2022 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm for both essay and objective.

PaperStart TimeEnd Time
Computer Studies 2 (Essay)2:00pm3:00pm
Civic Education 1 (Objective)3:00pm4:00pm
Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay Timetable 2022

Countdown to Computer Studies Obj & Essay Exam 2022

Below shows the time remaining for the exam to start, I don’t think you still have enough time

Subscribe with us now let’s help you pass this exam, this is one of the most important subjects as a Waec candidate, and failing it nullifies all other subjects you have written and are about to write.

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Past Computer Studies Obj & Essay Questions and Answers Provided by Expobite

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Answer 4 Questions in all.
Two(2) from each section. 2 from section
A and 2 from Section B.


Universal declaration of human rights

(i) Conduct investigation into cases of human rights violation: States have the obligation to conduct exhaustive and impartial investigation into allegations of human rights violation in order to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators. The declaration in human rights defenders emphasises by outlining the obligation to conduct a “prompt and impartial investigation” or inquiry’s whenever there’s “reasonable ground” to believe that a violation has occurred

(ii) Take all necessary measures to protect human rights defenders against violation, discrimination and retaliation: In carrying out their works, human rights defenders need to be assured of effective protection against violence, retaliation or discrimination. The increasing need for such protection has been illustrated by numerous attacks on human rights defenders in recent years.

(iii) Promote human rights through education and training: Human rights training and education are crucial for promoting a better understanding of human rights within a society. Under various human rights treaties states have a duty to adopt measures to promote human rights through teaching, education and training.

Representative democracy: This is the form of government where people run the government or exercise political power through their elected representatives.

(i) Recruitment of political leaders: One of the key functions of political parties is the recruitment of political leaders.

(ii) Education of the electorates: Political parties in Nigeria educate the electorates through their campaigns and rallies.

(iii) Promotion of interest in politics: People become interested in politics through the activities of political parties.

(iv) Ensuring political stability: Political parties help to ensure political stability by presenting candidates of integrity and experience in governance.

(i) Right to life
(ii) Right to personal liberty
(iii) Right to fair hearing

(i)contesting election:a citizen has the right to contest for any political offices any time he wishes to do so

(ii)voting in election: citizens have the right to cast their votes for the candidate of their choice without interference from any body

(iii)Belonging to a political party: it’s the political right of a citizen to belong to any political parties of his choices.

(iv)Holding of public offices: this allow individual to contribute immensely in the areas of decision making.


The rule of law: the rule of law is defined as the supremacy of the law over every citizen in a political system. It means that every citizen must act in accordance with the law

(i) Promotes the freedom of the judiciary: One of the advantages of rules of law is that it promotes the freedom of the judiciary

(ii) Enhance the freedom of the individuals : Where rules of law operates, government are expected to allow the expression of divergent views in the society.

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(iii) Promotes qualitative life: Where rules of law operates to the letter, the quality of life of the citizen is greatly enhanced

(iv) Preserves the constitution: Another advantages of the operation of rules of law is that it helps to preserve the constitution of the land.

Popular participation: this can be defined as the process where by individuals get themselves involves in the political activities and in the decision making of their country.

(i) good governance: when the govt in power provide good governance to the citizens , it will enable the citizens to be interested in participating in their political system

(ii) Free and fair election: if there is free and fair election that devoid of harassment and intimidation of voters , it will encourage the citizens to be interest in the political system of their country

(iii) Rule of law: supremacy of the constitution that will guarantee level playing ground for both the voters and candidates may encourage citizens to take in their political system

(iv)Failure of the past govt: people may want to participate in govt because past govt failed the people in the areas of provision of amenities, so citizens may be encouraged to come out and vote bad govt out of office.

(i) Speed limit
(ii) No overtaking
(iii) Packing hall

(i) Over speeding: At high speed the vehicle needs greater distance to stop i.e. braking distance. The ability to judge the forthcoming events also gets reduced while driving at faster speed which causes error in judgment and finally a crash.

(ii) Bad roads: The failure of successive government in Nigeria to fix the death traps called roads in Nigeria has no doubt caused so much pain to temporary and frequent roads user’s

(iii) Poor vehicle maintenance: Most of the vehicles are in bad shape and as a result of the bad maintenance cause so many accident in Nigeria.

(iv) Drunken driving: Consumption of alcohol decreases reaction time of a human body. Limbs take more to react to the instructions of brain. It hampers vision due to dizziness. It also dampens fear and incite humans to take risks. All these factors while driving causes accidents.

(v) Distraction to Driver:
Though distraction while driving could be minor but it can cause major accidents. Distractions could be outside or inside the vehicle. The major distraction now a days is talking on mobile phone while driving.

Value signify norms and behavioural traits which are generally accepted as being of great worth in the society

(i) Discipline: Is the ability to obey rules and regulations of the place where one lives or works and being able to do so without being force by anyone.

(ii) Contentment: Can be defined as a state of being happy and satisfied with whatever one has.

(iii) Integrity: Is the ability to stick to sound moral princples at all times.

(iv) Honesty: Can be defined as the state of being truthful and straight forward in whatever we are doing.

2021 NABTEB Computer Studies SOLUTIONS





National unity is the desire of the citizens of a country to promote peace and stability (common interest) in them country.

(i)N.Y.S.C. (National Youth Service Corp)
Program Me: This program me is established by the federal government in 1973 to bring about unity among
graduates from different institutions, educated fellows to come together from different state to serve their nation for a period of one year.

(ii)Transport and communication: Road
bridges and airways are built and constructed by government at various levels to link up rural with urban areas and to ease movement of the people from one place to another, thereby promoting national integration.

(iii)National languages: Despite about the 350 different ethnic groups in Nigeria with different dialects, efforts are being made to promote a national or an official language. For instance English language has been recognized as the official or national language.

(iv)Employment and Labor mobility: The federal government employs and transfer workers from different cultural groups to work elsewhere in the country.

Drug trafficking can be defined as the illicit global trade that deals with the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Illicit drugs are usually smuggled across the nation’s land, air and sea ports

(i)Physical/health consequence: It damages the important body organs such as brain ,liver,pancreas. It cause nose bleeding, hypertension, chronic cough, avoidance accident, premature death and heart attack.

(ii)psychological consequence: Drug abuse leads to sleeplessness, anxiety ,craving for drug of choice,loss of memory,hearing or seeing image when this is not real ,depression ,personality disintegration ,emotional instability.

(iii)social consequence: Increase in criminal acts such as stealing, armed robbery,murder,rape,suicide ,cultism,prostitution ,juveniles delinquency destitution. It can render the user poor and bring shame on the family of the drug abuser.

(iv)Economic consequence: The confiscation is of economic disadvantage to the dealer. Drug abuse cab lead to reduction in the number of workforce/labour force. It can also lead to death of a supposedly bread winner of a family.


(i)Search for responsibility: Some students join cult groups inorder to perform certain services for the members. For example ,some of them want to fight perceived injustice on their campuses against their members.

(ii)Search for satisfaction of one’s aspirations and need: For example ,a student may belong yo a cult group whose part of their objective is to ensure high success of its members in academic examinations

(iii)Search for social identity: There are some students who join cult groups in attempt to be popular. They want to be regarded as powerful people. for them ,it is a way of achieving prestige and greatness.

(i)A definite legislation that will pass a death sentence to anybody found guilty of cult activities on the campuses.

(ii)Moral education should be made compulsory in the primary and secondary schools in the country

(iii)Cultism and its consequences should be treated in the General studies courses in all tertiary institutions in the country.


Citizenship can be defined as the legal right that a person has to belong to a particular country. It is the act of becoming a legitimate member of a country and accepting the responsibility and benefits that are attached to it.

(i)Citizenship by birth
(ii)Citizenship by naturalization
(iii)Citizenship by marriage or registration
(iv)Dual citizenship

(i)Citizenship by birth: This is a way of becoming a citizen of a country because our parent are from that country. A person is a citizen by birth if either of his parents,mother or father is a citizen of a country

(ii)Citizenship by naturalization: Somebody can become a citizen of a country where he lives through naturalization. This is possible if he can satisfy the constitutional requirements for naturalization.

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(iii)Citizenship by Marriage or registration: If a woman is married to a person of another nationality ,she can acquire the Citizenship of the husband’s country through registration. For example, a Nigeria woman married to a British ,or a British woman married to a Nigeria.

(iv)Dual citizenship: Itnis a legitimately possible for a person to hold citizenship of two countries . For example a child born to Nigeria parents living in America becomes a US citizen. The baby is also a Nigerian because the parents are Nigerians.


Civil society is a non-governmental organization formed for the purposes of promoting and protecting the interest of generality of the people as well as mobilizing them for participation in the governance and development of the society.

(i)Monitor government activities, political processes and force the authorities to act reasonably and accordingly to the constitution.

(ii)Pursue positive changes in social, economic, political and cultural aspects of people’s lives.

(iii)Be an intermediary between the public and the state, bring the interests of people to the authorities and protect democratic values.

(iv)Communicate with the people and disseminate information about transformations in the state.


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(i) Maintain social distancing. Work from home if possible and avoid large gatherings, public spaces and public transportation:
Keep three to six feet between yourself and others. Avoid social touching, this includes shaking hands, kissing or hugging, instead try a hand wave or a smile.

(ii) Clean “high-touch” surfaces regularly: It’s still unknown if COVID-19 can spread from hard surfaces to people or how long it may live outside the human body, Take extra caution and clean high-touch surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, desks, toilets, faucets, and sinks with household disinfectants that are appropriate for the surface.

(iii) Stop sharing. Even though you may usually steal a bite from your kid’s plate or share a dessert with a friend or spouse, now is the time to be selfish with your food, Don’t share any common kitchen objects such as dishes, drinking glasses, utensils, cups, and, of course, food with anyone—even the people in your home.

(iv) Prepare for your needs in case you’ll need to stay home for an extended period: Make sure you have enough groceries, household items and medications (including over-the-counter medicines) on hand, and that you know how to order more either online or by making a phone call.

(v) Wear a mask or cloth face covering.
A cloth face covering may not protect the wearer, but it may keep the wearer from spreading the virus to others. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, CDC recommends that people wear cloth face coverings in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

Computer Studies is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and duties.

(i) Peace and Equality: Computer Studies teaches us to respect each other’s belief and see each other as brothers or equal. One sad reoccurrence in our society today is ethnicity and religious superiority.

(ii) Patriotism: Through Computer Studies, we as citizens begin to feel love, devotion and attachment to our country. Obeying the laws of the land, promoting good values, shunning vices and active participation in the governance of the nation

(iii) Sustainable Development: The curriculum of Computer Studies is structured to address the goals of sustainable development which are summed up into social justice, ecological sustainability, good governance and economic productivity.

(i) Home
(ii) School
(iii) Peer-group
(iv) Mass media

(i) Law Making
(ii)Control over the Budget
(iii) Judicial
(iv) Amendment of the Constitution
(v) Control over Executive

(i) Law Making: In modern times the most important function of legislature is law making. Ordinary Bills can be introduced by the members of the Parliament and by the Ministers, while Money Bills can be introduced only by the Ministers in the Lower House.

(ii)Control over the Budget: The legislature has control over the budget of the executive (Government) and without its approval the executive cannot spend even a single ‘paisa’. In England and India, the Members of the Parliament can impose a cut on any demand on the budget but they cannot increase it.

(iii) Judicial: In certain countries the legislature has to perform certain judicial functions. For example, in India and America the Parliament and the Congress can remove the President by a process of Impeachment.

(iv) Amendment of the Constitution: In every democracy, the power to amend the constitution rests with the legislature of that country. The only difference is that in some countries, a similar procedure is adopted as that for the amendment of ordinary laws.

(v) Control over Executive: In a Parliamentary Government the Legislature or the Parliament exercises full control over the executive or the Council of Ministers. The Parliament has the right to put Questions and Supplementary Questions to the Cabinet.

Cultism is a form of organization whose activities are not only exclusively kept away from the knowledge of others but such activities are carried out at odd hours of the day and they often clash with the accepted norms and values of everyday life.

(i) The overwhelming influence of peer pressures.
(ii) The parental background, if my dad or mom was in a cult, I will likely join one.
(iii) Society decay in standards, morals, dignity, religious faith, honor and discipline.
(iv) Fallen standard of education.

(i) Breakdown of law and order.
(ii)Violence and social instability.
(iii) Disruption of academic activities.
(iv) Disorientation of societal values.
(v) Premature death of youths who are cult members/innocent victims.

(i) Right To Life.
(ii) Right To freedom Of Expression.
(iii) Right To Fair and equal hearing.
(iv) Right to freedom of movement.
(v) Right to own property.

(i) Right To Life: This right you to live or to exist. Nobody has the right to kill another person or himself or herself.

(ii) Right To freedom Of Expression: Under this right, everyone is free to hold opinions, express same or receive or impart ideas and information without interference. This is the right to say whatever one wants to say. The press I.e Newspapers e.t.c. have the right to say or report any news without being harassed or forced not to do so.

(iii) Right To Fair and equal hearing: Every Citizen has the right to be listened to before they are punished. Even it a thief is caught stealing the court has to listen to his or her defence before dispensing judgment.

(iv) Right to freedom of movement: Every citizen of Nigeria is free to move from one part to the other and to reside in any part of the country. No citizen of Nigeria must be denied entry into and movement out of Nigeria.

(v)Right to own property: Every person is entitled to own private property and no moveable or immovable property or the interest from it can be compulsory acquired in any part of Nigeria.
Conclusively, in a particular case where private interest with the public interest in a particular property, the public interest prevails because it is for public use.

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Waec Computer Studies Obj & Essay 2022 questions and answers.

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