Contact Us: 07062154881

(i) ALL SUBJECTS: WhatsApp: N15,000 | PIN: N12,500
(ii) 9 SUBJECTS: WhatsApp: N6,000 | PIN: N5,000
(iii) PER SUBJECT: WhatsApp: N800 | PIN: N500

(i) ALL SUBJECTS: WhatsApp: N15,000 | PIN: N15,000
(ii) 9 SUBJECTS: WhatsApp: N8,000 | PIN: N8,000
(iii) PER SUBJECT: WhatsApp: N1,000 | PIN: N1,000

Message us now on WhatsApp: 07062154881 to subscribe

WAEC GCE Runz 2022 2nd Series Expo Nov/Dec

Expobite is the best exam portal to provide you with expo (Runz) for the November/December 2022/2023 Waec GCE Second Series questions and answers.

Waec GCE 2022 Runz (Expo) Choke 100% Verified Runz Questions and Answers for Waec GCE second Series NOV/DEC examination.

Waec Gce Runz 2022 Questions and Answers

The reason why you registered for the 2022 Waec GCE examination is to get high grades on all your papers, no candidate would want to fail this examination, but there is a saying “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”, so, if you don’t subscribe with us, likely you are planning to fail.

Expobite has always been the best plug since 2014 to get real verified answers for all examinations, our candidates don’t fail or have any issue with HELD results unless their exam center has a general issue, Expobite remains the right source you can trust to get real 100 verified questions and answers MIDNIGHT to 5HRS before the examination.

Some candidates have been writing O-level examinations for the past 5yrs, this is not due to lack of knowledge, rather not being able to answer enough questions within the time frame, with Expobite, you don’t need to worry about all these, as we will send you the right answers hours before the exam, i.e you will be entering the exam hall with the complete answers A-Z.

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GCE is hard than Waec and Neco, let’s say, it is just like Jamb because you will meet strange/new faces, the only difference is, the exam is not CBT.

The Waec GCE exam is not like Waec where you will sit next to your classmates or even your best friend, here tension will be high.

Follow the instructions below to successfully subscribe for the 2022 Waec GCE exam choke/Expo.

Lists of Available Subjects for 2022 Waec GCE Runz

  • English
  • Maths
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Literature
  • Government
  • Geography
  • Economics
  • Commerce
  • Accounting
  • Agric
  • Further Maths
  • Igbo
  • Yoruba
  • Hausa
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Office Practice
  • Marketing
  • Insurance
  • I.C.T
  • Civic Education
  • Data Processing
  • Health Science
  • Computer Studies
  • Health Education

Available Practicals

  • Physics Practical
  • Chemistry Practical
  • Biology Practical
  • Agric Practical
  • Animal Husbandry Practical

Waec GCE Runz Price List

Subscription Price List for Direct WhatsApp

In this plan, all answers will be sent to you via our VIP WhatsApp group, immediately you subscribe, we will add you to the group where all answers will be posted for the subjects you subscribed including Practicals.

ALL Subjects (Science, Art, Commercial) + PracticalsN15,000
9/8/7 Subjects + PracticalsN8,000
6 Subjects + PracticalsN6,000
5 Subjects + PracticalsN5,000
Per SubjectN1,000
Per PracticalN800
Waec GCE 2022 Subscription Price List for Direct WhatsApp

Subscription Price List for PIN/Password link

In this plan, we will send an SMS to your phone with a link and PIN/password to access where Obj & theory answers are posted online including Practicals.

Here is a link to our Answer Page:

ALL Subjects (Science, Art, Commercial) + PracticalsN13,000
9/8/7 Subjects + PracticalsN7,000
6 Subjects + PracticalsN5,000
5 Subjects + PracticalsN4,000
Per SubjectN800
Per PracticalN600
Waec GCE 2022 Subscription Price List for PIN/Password link

How to Subscribe

Send the following to 07062154881:

  1. MTN card pins,
  2. Amount paid,
  3. Subjects,
  4. Your Name,
  5. Your Phone number.
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NOTE: Payment is done through mtn cards and must be sent to 07062154881 only!!!
Do not call us, our number is mostly on “call divert”, please send a text message. We reply sms faster!!!

Runz Pattern

  • You will receive confirmation text in the night after your payment.
  • Both link and direct sms subscribers gets their package at the same time!
  • No more opening of answer page for public view!

We are Assuring You a Quality Score of A‘s, B‘s & C‘s.

Benefits of Payment Before the Exam Day

  1. You are automatically a VIP.
  2. You will get special attention from us.
  3. We can call or text you anytime if any update comes up.

NOTE: The Price May increase, Early Payment is Good

For School WhatsApp group (This is for group of people that are more than 10 in numbers, and wants us to add them in one group together where we can be posting answers for them, specifically on WHATSAPP): Chat us up on whatsapp, We will guide you.

Expobite remains the best free waec gce expo 2022, subscribe with us today and pass all your papers to avoid rewriting of the exam next year.


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