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How to Prepare for JAMB 2024 in Just 1 Week

JAMB is one of the most important and competitive examinations for Nigerian students who want to gain admission into tertiary institutions. However, many students find it difficult to prepare and pass JAMB, especially when they have limited time. In this article, I will share some tips and strategies on how to prepare for JAMB 2024 in just one week and achieve your desired score.

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Understand the JAMB Syllabus and Exam Format

The first step to prepare for JAMB is to understand the syllabus and exam format. JAMB syllabus is a book that contains all the topics and subtopics of every subject that JAMB will test you on. You can download the JAMB 2024 syllabus from the official website or buy it from any bookshop. The syllabus will help you to focus on the relevant areas and avoid wasting time on irrelevant topics.

The JAMB exam format is a computer-based test (CBT) that consists of four subjects: English Language (compulsory) and three other subjects of your choice. You will have 180 minutes to answer 180 questions, which means you have one minute per question. The questions are multiple-choice and you will be scored based on the number of correct answers. You can choose your preferred subjects and exam center when you register for JAMB online.

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Download the JAMB syllabus for 2024/2025 for free here

Study the JAMB Past Questions and Answers

The second step to prepare for JAMB is to study the past questions and answers. JAMB past questions are the best way to familiarize yourself with the type and style of questions that JAMB will ask you. They will also help you to test your knowledge, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and improve your speed and accuracy. You can get the JAMB past questions and answers from various sources, such as books, websites, apps, or CBT centers. You should practice as many past questions as possible and review the answers carefully. You should also try to solve the questions without looking at the answers first, and then check your answers and learn from your mistakes.

Message us on WhatsApp to buy JAMB past questions now before it is too late 07062154881

Take Mock Tests and CBT Practice

The third step to prepare for JAMB is to take mock tests and CBT practice. Mock tests are simulated exams that are designed to mimic the real JAMB exam. They will help you to assess your readiness, boost your confidence, and reduce your anxiety. You can take mock tests online or offline at any accredited CBT center. You should take at least one mock test before the actual exam and review your performance and feedback.

CBT practice is another way to improve your skills and familiarity with the computer-based test. You can practice CBT online or offline using any device that has a CBT software installed. You should practice CBT regularly and try to simulate the exam conditions, such as timing yourself, avoiding distractions, and following the instructions.

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Revise and Review Your Notes and Textbooks

The fourth step to prepare for JAMB is to revise and review your notes and textbooks. Revision is the process of going over what you have learned and reinforcing your memory. Review is the process of checking and correcting your understanding and application of what you have learned. You should revise and review your notes and textbooks for each subject that you will take in JAMB. You should also use the JAMB-recommended textbooks for each subject, as they contain the most relevant and updated information. You should revise and review your notes and textbooks at least once a day and use different methods, such as reading, writing, summarizing, highlighting, making flashcards, or teaching someone else.

See the JAMB recommended textbooks for 2024/2025 here

Seek Guidance and Support from Others

The fifth and final step to prepare for JAMB is to seek guidance and support from others. You should not isolate yourself or study alone, as this can make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. You should seek guidance and support from others who can help you with your preparation, such as teachers, tutors, mentors, friends, or family. You should ask them for advice, tips, feedback, or encouragement. You should also join a study group or a forum where you can interact with other JAMB candidates and share your experiences, challenges, and solutions. You should also seek guidance and support from God and pray for His grace and favor.


In conclusion, preparing for JAMB in just one week is possible and achievable if you follow the steps and strategies outlined in this article. You should understand the JAMB syllabus and exam format, study the JAMB past questions and answers, take mock tests and CBT practice, revise and review your notes and textbooks, and seek guidance and support from others. You should also have a positive attitude, a realistic goal, a good study plan, and a healthy lifestyle. If you do these things, you will be able to prepare and pass JAMB 2024 in just one week and secure your admission into your dream institution. I wish you all the best in your JAMB exam and your future endeavors.

See also  How to Score 370 in JAMB 2024/2025

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