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Waec Biology Practical Answers 2021 Sept 17th

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Waec Biology Practical Answers 2021

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Expobite understands how students feel whenever it comes to closing time for an external exam such as Waec, Neco, Jamb, and Post Utme, that is why we make sure any question and answers we are releasing/publishing are always the best option questions and answers you are to see in your exam because we always follow scholars and examiners.


A – Neck
B – Chest
C – Upper abdominal region of the body

A – It aids the odontoid process of the head
B – It aid the attachment of ribs
C – It bears majority of body weight


(i) Neural canal; It allows the passage of the spinal cord
(ii) Centrum; It is a solid piece of bone found below the neural canal
(iii) Transverse process; It aids the attachment of muscle and ligaments
(iv) Neural spine; The aids the attachment of muscles

A – 7
B – 12
C – 6

(i)Sacral vertebrae
(ii) Caudale vertebrae

= D
-Two observation-
(i) Gives greenish leaves
(ii) Gives a growing seedlings

Positive growth

= E
-Two observation-
(i) No growth observed
(ii) Wet soil

Negative growth

= F
-Two observation-
(i) No growth observed
(ii) Dey soil

Negative growth

= G
-Two observation-
(i) No growth observed
(ii) Extremely dry soil

Negative growth

E – Excess water
F – Depletion of soil nutrient
G – Absence of water or soil moisture

(i) Well ventilated soil
(ii) Good and rich in nutrient soil


L – Arthropoda
M – Arthropoda

L – Insecta
M – Insecta

(i)They have an exoskeleton or a hard, shell-like covering on the outside of its body.
(ii)Insects have three main body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.
(iii)Insects have a pair of antennae on top of their heads.


(i)moveable head
(ii)stagnant water

(i)oversized compound eyes

(i)Controlled by Mosquito Traps
(ii)Controlled by Space sprays
(iii)Controlled by Mechanical Barriers
(iv)Controlled by
Vegetation Management.
(v)Controlled by outdoor measures.


(i) Smaller in size
(ii) A Pair of wings
(iii) Absence of hard hind wings
(iv) Absence of maxillary palp/maxilla
(iv) Absence of spines on legs

(i) Big in size
(ii) Two pairs of wings
(iii) Presence of hard hind wings
(iv) Presence of maxillary palp/maxilla
(v) Presence of spines on legs


(i) Possession of wings
(ii) Possession of antenna
(iii) They both flies
(iv) Possession of segmented body

L – Marshes
M – Grassland

2021/2022 Waec Biology Practical Answers Questions And Available Now

Friday, 17th September 2021

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(1ai) When the head moves or changes position, the endolymph fluid in the semi-circular canals moves and stimulates the nerve endings. The nerve endings then transmit the impulses through vestibular to the cerebellum of the brain where the new position at the head is interpreted and the appropriate responses sent to the muscular system to maintain body balance (1aii) CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE (1aiii) The middle ear in humans can be split into three parts; external, middle, and inner. The middle ear lies within the temporal bone and extends from the tympanic membrane to the lateral wall of the inner ear. The main function of the middle ear is to transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear via the auditory ossicles. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September =========================================== (2a) Deficiency diseases are diseases that are caused by the lack of certain essential nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, in one’s diet over a prolonged period of time (2aii) TABULATE – Beri-Beri ; Intake of vitamin B – Kwashiorkor; Intake of protein – Scurvy; Intake vitamin C – Goitre ; Intake of iodine in diet – Anaemia; Intake of iron and copper (2bi) -Put a few small, freshly cut pieces of yam in a clean test tube, then Pour 10 mL distilled water into the test tube. -Now, boil the contents of the test tube for about 5 minutes. Allow the test tube to cool. -Filter the contents of the test tube through a filter paper. Test the obtained filtrate for the presence of starch by adding iodine. -If colour changes to pink then iodine is presence (2bii) Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September -Heat a solution of the orange fruit then add Benedict’s reagent and observing the colour change orange. -It is a clear blue solution of sodiumand copper salts. -In the presence of simple sugars, the blue solution changes color to green, yellow, and brick-red, depending. =========================================== (3a) TABULATE (i) Disease: Cholera Causative organism: Bacterium (vibro cholerae) Vector: Housefly Control: Keeping environment clean (ii) Disease: Sleeping sickness Causative organism: Trypanosome Vector: tse-tse fly Control: use of antiseptic (iii) Disease: Malaria Causative organism: Plasmodium (protozoa) Vector: Female anopheles mosquito Control: Draining of swamps (iv) Disease: Ringworm Causative organism: Trichophyton and microsporum Vector: None Control: Keeping of skin clean and dry (3bi) Salting is the dusting of farm products with table salt (3bii) Irradiation is the drying of some crops or products using the heat from the sun (3biii) Smoking is the drying of some farm products over a smoke of a naked fire =========================================== (6ai) External fertilization is a mode of reproduction in which a male organism’s sperm fertilizes a female organism’s egg outside of the female’s body. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (6aii) Internal fertilization occurs most often in land-based animals, although some aquatic animals also use this method. There are three ways that offspring are produced following internal fertilization. (6bi) (i)Toad (ii)Frog (6bii) (i)Goat (ii)Cow (6ci) (i)the foetus will not get oxygen (ii)the foetus will not get nutrients. (iii)waste products from your baby’s blood will not be removed (6cii) [pick three] (i)fundus (ii)corpus (iii)isthmus (iv)cervix. ================================ (6d) Competition in feeding among organisms for scarce resources leads to the death of weaker members of the species and the reproduction of the stronger members, leading to a dynamic equilibrium that balances the rate of death to the rate of birth. (6e) (i) Problem of Wave (ii) Effects of temperature (iii) Salinity of the Marine (iv) Humidity (6fi) Moisture helps in the germination of seeds by helping to activate the metabolic activities needed for germination, dissolved oxygen content in moisture acts is very beneficial to the biochemical process involved in germination. (6fii) Viable seeds are healthy and contain the organic requirements for a healthy germination, and is most times resistant to harsh weather conditions, and lack of nutrients. (6g) Light energy is considered a limiting factor in production of food by autotrophs because, photosynthesis which is the main process by which autotrophs produce food cannot take place in the absence of light. The energy from light is solely responsible for the process of photosynthesis. Answers Loading… Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September QUESTIONS 👇

================================ (4a) TABULATE – Specimen P- – Test: 2 drops of specimen P in water – Observation time(seconds): 3-4 seconds before it dissolves – Medium of spread: Water – Sense organ: Eye -Specimen Q- – Test: Teaspoon of specimen Q + water – Observation time(seconds): Dissolves within 65 seconds – Medium of spread: Water – Sense organ: Eye -Specimen R- – Test: Cut section of specimen R – Observation time(seconds): 2 seconds or almost immediately – Medium of spread: Air – Sense organ: Nose Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (4b) The biological phenomenon occurred is diffusion (4c) (i) – Stiring – heating (ii) – Shaking – Stiring (iii) – Size of medium – Wind (4di) DRAWING (4dii) It is Whorl (4diii) – Loop – Whorl – Arch/Compound (4div) – It is used in crime detection – It is used as mark of identity – It is used to determine paternity of a child (4dv) It is physiological variation. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September ============================ (1ai) TABULATE – TEST: Specimen B + 2drops of iodine solution – OBSERVATION: No precipitate is found (No reaction is occurring) – INFERENCE: It indicates specimen B contains no starch content (1aii) TABULATE – TEST: Specimen B + 2ml of NaOH(aq) + 3 drops of CuSO4 + shake – OBSERVATION: The mixture will turn to purple or violet colour – INFERENCE: Protein is present (1b) (i) Test for starch (ii) Test for protein (Biuret test) (1c) (i)Additional income is obtained through quality mushrooms (ii)They contain vitamins and proteins and Laos acts as antioxidants supporting the immune system (1di) Fungi (1dii) (i)Eukaryotic organism (ii)Absence of chlorophyll (iii)Cell walls made of chitin instead of cellulose (1diii) (i)Molds (ii)Mildews (iii)Smuts (iv)Rusts (v)Yeast (1ei) Mullosca (1eii) (i)Presence of tentacles (ii)Possession of soft and unsegmented bodies (iii)Body is covered by a mantle and she’ll (iv)They are bilaterally symmetrical (v)They are triploblastic with three layers. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (1fi) Specimen C (mushrooms) are decomposers breaking down surface waste releasing nitrogen back into the soil in form of ammonium nitrate, a nutrient essential for plant survival (1fii) Saprophytic mode of nutrition ================================ (2a) E: Succulent Fruit F: Berry/Flesh Fruit H: Legume/Pod (2b) E: Parietal Plancentation F: Axile Plancentation. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (2c) E: Human F: Animal H: Explosive Mechanism (2di) (i)It is dispersed when ripe because of its attractiveness (ii)It’s seed is succulent and edible (2dii) (choose any 2) i. Vitamin C ii. Potassium iii. Amino acid iv. Magnesium (2e) (i) green (ii) It signifies that it’s still young. (2fi) Marginal placentation (2fii)   ===================================   (1ai) A = Yam Tuber (fresh) B = Cassava Tuber (fresh) C = Quadrat D = Insect net E = Rain gauge F = Rice grain (paddy) G = Dry groundnut seeds (1aii) A = Yam Tuber is propagated by Yam setts, Yam seeds or Yam minisetts B = Cassava tuber is propagated by stem cuttings F = Rice grain is propagated by seed. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (1aiii) C = It is used to determine the population of small organisms/small plants/crawling insects. D = It is used to collect flying insects/any correctly named Insect. E = It is used to measure amount of rain/rainfall/precipitation. (1aiv) 8-10cm well labeled Diagram of Insect set: CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE (1bi) (1) = The surface of B turn blue black (2) = Starch is present (1bii) F = Grains(cereals) G = pulses(legume) (1biii) (i) The paper appears translucent (ii) Fat and oil is present in G (1biv) Fat and oil ============================================= READ ALSO: 2020 NECO RUNZ/EXPO | 2020 NECO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS | 2020/2021 NECO RUNS   (2ai) H – Contour feather I – Quill feather J – Filoplume K – Millipede L – Centipede. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (2aii) (i) They protect birds from the cold (ii) They used for flight (iii) They provide insulation to birds (iv) They serve as waterproof to birds (2aiii) (i) Wings (ii) Tail (2bi) Diagram of specimen I: CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE (2bii) (i) H – It aids in thermoregulation (ii) J – It helps birds in detecting changes in feather position caused by body movement or wind (2biii) K – Diplopoda L – Chilopoda. (2biv) In tabular form Specimen K: (i) They are more rounded. (ii) They have two sets of legs per segment positioned directly under their body. Specimen L: (i) They have a flatter body (ii) They have one set of legs per segment positioned on the side of their body. ============================================= (3ai) M – Grasshopper N – spider O – Larva of a house fly P – Larva of a mosquito Q – Flamboyant flower R – Hibiscus flower (3aii) (i) M – Insecta (ii) N – Arachnida (3aiii) (i) Specimen N has four pairs of legs. (ii) It has two additional pairs of appendages. (iii) Specimen N does not have antennae or wings. (3aiv) O – Decayng matter P – stagnant water. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (3bi) (i) Anthers (ii) Filaments (3bii) Diagram of specimen Q: CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE COMPLETED – GOODLUCK BIOLOGY PRACTICAL QUESTIONS 👇 BIOLOGY PRACTICAL QUESTIONS 👇   ============================== (1ai) Specimen; A is yam tuber Specimen; B is cassava tuber Specimen; C is quadrant Specimen; D is insect net Specimen; E is rain guage Specimen; F is rice grain Specimen; G is dry groundnuts seed

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(1aii) Specimen; A is propagated from small tubers Specimen; B is propagated by stem Specimen; F is propagated by seeds

(1aiii) Specimen; C is used for for study of the distribution of an item over a large area. Specimen; D is used for prevention against insects Specimen; E is used to measure the precipitating rain

(1aiv) Diagram of insect net. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September

(1bi) (i)The surface of B turn blue-black (ii)starch is present

(1bii) Specimen; F grains (cereals) Specimen; G puises (legume)

(1biii) (i)The paper appears translucent (ii) Specimen; G contain fat and oil or fat and oil is present in specimen G


Fat and oil

(2ai) Specimen; H is contour feather Specimen; I is quill feather Specimen; J is Filoplume Specimen; K is millipede Specimen; L is centipede

(2aii) (i)They provide insulation to birds (ii)Feathers allow for flight (iii)Feathers are used for defense (iv)Feathers are used for camouflage

(2aiii) (i)Wings (ii)Tail

(2bi) Diagram of specimen I.

(2bii) (i)Specimen; H serve as aerodynamic devices for flight (ii)Specimen; J are used principally as insulation, to conserve body heat.

(2biii) Specimen; K belong to the class Diplopoda Specimen; L belong to the class Chilopoda.

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(2biv) In tabular form -Specimen; K- (i)millipedes are more rounded. (ii)Millipedes have two sets of legs per segment positioned directly under their body.

-Specimen; L- (i)centipedes have a flatter body

(ii)Centipedes have one set of legs per segment positioned on the side of their body.

(3ai) Specimen; M is Grasshopper Specimen; N is spider Specimen; O is Larva (house fly) Specimen; P is Larva ( mosquito) Specimen; Q Flame of The forest flower Specimen; R hibicuss flower

(3aii) (i)Specimen; M belongs to Insecta (ii)Specimen; N belongs to Arachnida

(3aiii) (i)Specimen; N has four pairs of legs (eight total). (ii)N has also have two additional pairs of appendages. (iii)Specimen; N do not have antennae or wings.

(3aiv) Specimen; O is Leftovers foods Specimen; P is stagnant water

(3bi) (i)anthers (ii)filaments

(3bii) Diagram of specimen Q.

==================================== (NUMBER 1) Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (i) (i) They are proteins in nature (ii) They act best at specific pH (either acidic or alkaline) (ii) (i) Auxins (ii) Gibberellins (iii) (i) Fever (ii) Dry cough (iii)Tiredness (iv) Headache (iv) (i) Have Three pairs of thoracic legs (ii)Three body divisions namely, head, thorax and abdomen (v) Dog… i 3/3 c1/1 pm4/4 m2/3 = 42 teeth (vi) (i) Tannins (ii) Gum and mucilageand mucilage (vii) Corolla (viii) (i) Shoulder and chest broadens (ii) Production of sperms (ix) Located in the upper thoracic region on the dorsal surface of the rib cage (x) (a) Turbidity/transparency of water bodies (b) Atmospheric pressure (xi) (i) They anchor plants firmly in the soil. (ii) Root conducts water and mineral salts upward to the stem and into the leaves. CHECK OUT: Celebrities biography, age, net worth, spouse, pictures, wiki (xii) (i) Charles Darwin (ii) Jean–Baptiste Lamarck (xiii) A dominant gene is one of the alternative forms of a gene which masks the effect of the other (recessive gene) (xiv) (i) Cataracts (ii) Glaucoma (iii) Myopia or near near sightedness (vi) Hypermetropia or far sightedness (xv) Pick one (a) (i)Transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs (ii) pH of blood i.e. formation of carbonic acid Pick one (b) (i) Produces antibodies which provides immunity (ii) Engulf bacteria (phagocytes) =========================================== (2a) Specimen A – Tilapia fish Specimen B – Toad/frog (adult) (2bi) Specimen A – Class Osteichthyes Specimen B – Class Amphibia (2bii) (i) Have thin, loose, moist smooth and scale less skin (ii) Have no teeth (2ci) (i) Salamander (ii) Newt (2cii) Habitat for specimen A – Aquatic (fresh water) Habitat of specimen B – Moist, shady places (2di) Specimen A – Source of food/protein/vitamins Specimen B – Toads serves as biological control of insects which are pests of farm crops/man (2dii) (i) Adaptive feature of specimen A – Streamlined body shape for easy movement in water =========================================== (3ai) Hibiscus flower (3aii) Insect (3b) Male reproductive part – Stamens Female reproductive part – Carpels (3c) Drawing =========================================== (4ai) Specimen D – bedbug Specimen E – dog tick Specimen F – cockroach (4aii) Habitat for specimen D – Crevices of furniture and beds. Habitat of specimen E – On dogs or cattle. Habitat of specimen F – Inside cupboards. (4bi) Parasitic relationship. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (4bii) Control of specimen D – by using pesticides or chemicals. Control of specimen E – by using tick sprays to kill them. Control of specimen F – spraying with insecticides or pesticides. (4c) Economic importance of specimen D – It cause diseases in human (anaemia), it is costly in controlling them Economic importance of specimen F – Transmits dirt/Contaminates food, Their faeces stains clothes/books =========================================== (5ai) Specimen G – Maize grain Specimen H – cowpea seed (5aii) Germination of specimen G – Hypogeal germination Germination of specimen H – Epigeal germination (5bi) Food stores by specimen G – Carbohydrate Food stored by specimen H – protein (5bii) Venation in specimen G – Parallel venation Venation in specimen H- net or reticulate venation (5ci) Pest that attacks specimen G – army worms Pest that attack specimen H – foliage beetles (5cii) Economic importance of specimen G – It is use as a source of food, Economic importance specimen H – Source of proteins

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======================== (1ai) A- Atlas Vertebra B- Thoracic Vertebra C- Scapula D- Lumbar Vertebra (1aii) A- Neck Region. B- Chest Region. C- Shoulder Region. D- Upper Abdomen. (1aiii) Tabulate Under Specimen A (i) It has short neural Spine. (ii) Vertebrabateria Canal is Present. Under Specimen D (i) It has board and neural Spine. (ii) Vertebrabateria Canal is Present. (1aiv) (i) They both have neural canal. (ii) They both possess centrum. (1b) Diagram of specimen C (1ci) E – pooter F – sweep net G – tridax fruit H – tadpole (1cii) E ; it is used for collecting insects. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September F ; it is used for collecting flying insects and other invertebrates from long grass (1ciii) (i)By wind (1civ) (i) presence of gills from respiration (ii) presence of long muscular tail for swimming and movement in water (iii) presence of transparent fin for swimming ===================================== (2ai) I – Spirogyra J – Okro fruit K – mango fruit L – Tick M – Bean weevil (2aii) (i)their bodies are characterised by multicellular filaments (ii)it is an unbranched, filamentous green algae occuring in stagnant water (2bi) Tabulate -Under specimen J- (i)seed are small (ii)many seeded (iii)anile placentation -Under specimen K- (i)seed in large (ii)one seeded (iii)Basal placentation (2bii) L – class arachnid M – class insect (2biii) L; cause stress in animals affected by bites, blood losses that can lead to anemia and even death M; they make holes in the plants to oviposition the causing directed and indirect damage (2ci) Diagram of specimen K (2cii) Tabulate -Under specimen L- (i)pear shaped body (ii)approximately 3 to 5 mm in length to age, species -Under specimen M- (i)general compact and oral in shape (ii)size range from 1 to 22mm ==================================== (3ai) N – cactus plant O – water lettuce P – soldier termite. Waec Biology Practical 2021 Answers 17th September (3aii) N – Terrestrial habitat/forest O – Aquatic habitat P – Terrestrial habitat (3bi) Adaptive features of N (cactus) (i)presence of spines to reduce water loss (ii)presence of succulent stems to conserve water. (iii)present of thick and waxy skin to reduce loss of water Adoptive features of O (water lettuce) (i)presence of air space for bouyancy (ii)presence of numerous root or absorption of mineral salt (iii)presence of more stomata on upper surface for diffusion of CO² (3bii) Diagram of specimen P

SPECIMEN P - Soldier termite (mandibulate)
SPECIMEN P – Soldier termite (mandibulate)

(3ci) (i)it increases humus content of the soil (ii)it increases penetration of water in the soil by burrowing (3cii) (i)defending the colony against enemies ==============================

WAEC Biology Practical 2021 Essay Objective Question

2021 WAEC Practical Biology-in-English Expo Answer

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