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Waec Government Answers 2021 – 22nd Sept 2021

Waec Government Answers 2021: Waec May/June 2021 Registration, Is Waec Registration Still on, Waec Government (Obj/Essay) Nov Dec 2021, Waec Government (Obj/Essay) Answer 2021, Waec Government (Obj/Essay) 2021, Waec 2021 Government (Obj/Essay), Alternative to Government (Obj/Essay) Past Questions Pdf, 2021 Waec Government (Obj/Essay) Questions and Answers Pdf, 2021 Waec Government (Obj/Essay) Questions and Answers Pdf Download, 2021 Waec Government (Obj/Essay) Questions and Answers. =============================== GOVERNMENT ESSAY (9) (i) Military and technical aid: Some farmers colonial territories especially the French territories, receives military and technical aid from their former colonial masters (ii)common language: Colonialism promoted the development of common languages among the colonial territories. English was developed and spoken in British territories while French developed in French territories. (iii)Development of political parties: One of the positive impact of colonialism in British and French West Africa was the development of political parties. Many of these political parties emerged to champion the struggle for political independence. (iv)Common wealth: This organisation was formed to bring together all former colonies under Britain and Britain itself. They cooperate among themselves in different areas of human endeavour eg sports ,scholarship programme etc. (v)Emergency of the press: Another positive impact of colonialism was the emergence of the press,especially the print media (Newspaper). The press developed and became the mouthpiece of the people in the struggle for political independence. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°′ (7) (i)It provided for a Bicameral legislature made up of the Senate and House of Representatives and It made provision for citizenship in Nigeria. (ii)It granted emergency power to the central government and it provided for a parliamentary system of government. (iii) It made provision for the protection of fundamental human rights and freedom and it granted the federal Supreme Court the power of judicial review. (iv)It created the Judicial Service Commission with the power to appoint judges and all residual powers were placed in the hands of the regions. (v)It provided for the position of Governor-General who represented the Queen of England and the Prime Minister and it stated the basis for revenue allocation. ==============================

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Waec Government Answers 2021 for 22nd September 2021

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(a) One burette of 50cm³ capacity (b) One pipette either 20cm³ or 25cm³ All candidates at one center must use a pipette of the same volume. These should be clean and free from grease. (c) The usual apparatus for titration. (d) The usual apparatus for reagent for qualitative work including the following with all reagents appropriately labeled.

(i) Dilute sodium hydroxide solution (ii) Dilute hydrochloric acid (iii) Dilute trioxonitrate(V) acid (iv) Barium chloride solution (v) Acidified potassium dichromate solution (vi) Aqueous ammonia (vii) Lime water (viii) Red and blue litmus papers (ix) Dilute tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid.

(e) Spatula (f) Filtration apparatus (g) One Beaker (h) One boiling tube (i) Four test tubes (j) Methyl orange as indicator (k) Glass rod (l) Wash bottle containing distilled/ diagnosed water (m) Burning splint (n) Watch glass (o) Bunsen burner/ source heat (p) Droppers (q) Mathematical table/Calculator

(3) Each candidate should be supplied the following where n is the candidate’s serial number. (a) 150cm³ of a solution HCL, in a corked flask or bottle labeled ‘An’. These should be all the same containing 9.0cm³ of concentrated HCL (about 36%) per dm³ of solution.

(b) 150cm³ of NaOH solution in a corked flask or bottle labeled ‘Bn’. These should all be the same containing 4.8g of NaOH per dm³ of solution.

(c) One spatulaful of a uniform mixture of CuSO4 and (NH4)2CO3 in a specimen bottle and corked immediately and labeled ‘Cn’. The components of the mixture should be in ratio 1:1 by mass.

(4) In all cases, more material may be issued if required.

(5) The actual concentration of ‘An’ and ‘Bn’ must be stated in the Supervisor Report Form. The candidate will assume that the concentrations are exactly as stated in the question paper.

(6) It should be noted that schools are not allowed to amend the information provided on the question paper or substitute any substance/solution for those specified in these instructions.

WAEC Government Past Questions 2020 PAPER 2 (ESSAY)





GOVERNMENT OBJ: 1 – 10: ACDCABBCCD 11-20: DCAABBCDCD 21-30: AAABBABDAB 31-40: CCACCABBBD 41-50: DBDDBDBBDC NOTE: One thing is common with art subjects except few (like CRS, literature) Writing exactly what is in the textbook gives higher marks. You can then decide to add your points after writing what is in the textbook
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BOTH TYPED ANSWERS AND THE IMAGE ANSWERS ARE CORRECT. 100% ============================== (1a) Political socialization is the process of acquisition and transmission of political knowledge and value by individuals from one generation to another. (1b) A nation simply means a group or body of people who share the same opinion, interest, judgment, political aspirations and consciousness and united by common ties. Hence, below are the features of a nation : (i) geographical (ii) homogeneous cultural (iii) religious (iv) Homogeneous attributes and traditions. =================================== (2) CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE OR (2) (i) Constitutional division of power: Powers are constitutionally shared between the central authority and other component units. (ii) Written and Rigid constitution: Codification of constitution on a single document/book which is difficult to amend. (iii) Powers derived from the constitution: The three tiers of government derived their powers from the constitution. (iv) Supremacy of the constitution: Constitution/law is strictly adhered as a regulation which everybody is subject to. (v) Separation of power: Adoption of the theory of separation of power which enables the arms of government to function independently in order not to have clash of powers. ================================ (3) CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE CLICK HERE FOR THE IMAGE OR (3a) A public corporation may be defined as a business organisation established, owned, managed and financed with tax payers money by government of a country with the main motive of making profit but to render essential services to members of the public. (3b) (i) Financial Control: The accounts of public corporations are audited from time to time by government Auditors and a copy of the Auditors’ report is submitted to the Minister which he presents to the parliament and this prevents financial mismanagement. (ii) Judicial Control: As a legal entity which can sue and be sued, a public corporation can be dragged to court if it fails to act within the limits set by the law that established it and its action declared ultra vires. (iii) Ministerial Control: Ministers that are answerable to the parliament are given extensive power over public corporations. These include powers to appoint and dismiss members of Board of Directors, determination of remunerations, conditions of service, approving all loans and major expenditures etc. (iv) Public Control: Members of the public who consume goods and services of the public corporations exercise some form of control through criticisms they level against these corporations. ================================ (5) (choose Any Five) (i)Law:This is an important condition to the liberty of an individual. (ii)Democracy: Under democracy political power is with the masses and so freedom is guaranteed. (iii)power distribution:when powers are decentralized, more likely,men will be zealous for freedom. (iv)vigilance: This is a sure safeguard vyo freedom.This means that citizens are alert and ready to fight any unreasonable interferences with their rights. (v)independence of the judiciary: The essential of this to freedom of the individual cannot be underestimated. The judiciary and judges should be free from the interference of the executive and legislature. (vi)Fundamental human rights: It is usually entrenched in a written constitution ,embodying the civil and political rights of the citizens and placing some limitations on the powers of those in government. ================================== (6) (Choose Any Five) (i)Shortage of fund: The involvement of this organization in large scale operation affects its financial resources. This has created over time, shortage of funds. (ii)Sovereignty of nation: The U.N.O cannot effectively enforce its decision because member states are not ready to surrender their sovereignty to the authority of the organization. (iii)The veto power: Each of the five permanent members of the security council has veto power. This could be used at times to satisfy their selfish interest at the expense of fulfilling the objectives of the organization. (iv)poverty: The inability of the united nation to effectively address the issue of poverty among member states. (v)Revolution of conflicts: Inability of U.N.O to resolve conflicts among some member nation e.g Israel. (vi)Difference in ideology: There difference in ideology, culture, politics, and methods used in pursuing economic goal. This may negate the evolution of lasting peace in the world. ===================================== (8ai) (i)National party of Nigeria (NDN) Alhaji shehu shagari. (ii)The unity party of Nigeria chief obafemi awolowo. (iii)The great Nigeria people party (GNPP) Waziri Ibrahim (8b) (i)Since independence, political party have showed that they are loyal to the electorate during campaign and would serve their Interest of vote to power. (ii)They usually organize membership to reach all corners of the country (iii)They have showed that their main objectives are to contests election,win and grow the country by all means ======================================== (9) (i) Costly to run: The constitution operates a presidential system with duplication of political function thereby making it too expensive and costly. (ii) Impeachment: The impeachment clause as stipulated in the constitution could be obeyed by the lawmakers. (iii) Execution of programme: Separation of powers could result to delay in the implementation or carrying out of government programmes. (iv) Activities in Government: This could be brought to stand-still because there was a problem between the executive and the legislature. (v) Concentration of powers: The criticism that both executive president as both head of state and head of government has too much powers concentrated in him, creating the room for abuse of power. ======================


Completed!. Tell people about us ====================================

GOVERNMENT-THEORY (1a) authority can be defined as the ability to give a command and to ensure that people yield to the commandment.It is associated with the ability to make decisions and enforce it.

(1b) (i) political authority: this is the power given to a group of people by the constitution to make decisions and enforce obedience.

(ii) traditional authority; this is the power legitimized and defined by customs and traditions. It is acquired through inheritance.

(iii) coercive authority: this is the of authority that nvolved the use of force.

(iv)delegated authority: this is the authority conferred on a subordinate to exercise certain powers on specified authority.

(v) charismatic authority: this type of authority is based on extra ordinary personal qualities of an individual. ====================================

(3) (i) membership of international organization: such as U.N.O, AU, OPEC, ECOWAS etc which many nations belong to had placed serious limitations to the sovereignty of such nations.

(ii) influence of powerful nation: powerful countries like U.S.A, USSR, BRITAIN etc have a lot of influence on the external sovereignty of smaller and weaker nations.

(iii) external aids: many poverty stricken nations mortgage their external sovereignty for economic , military and technical assistance.

(iv) supremacy of the Constitution: no matter the institution or a body in which sovereignty is located , the power of such body or institution is limited by the Constitution of the state. No body is above the law of the land.

(v) diplomatic immunity: diplomats representing their countries in other countries of the world have diplomatic immunity. Some of their actions can undermine the sovereignty of their host states. ====================================

(4a) socialization; this refers to a process by which citizens are educated on the values, attitudes and beliefs of the political system. Political culture of a the society is transmitted from one generation to another through political socialization.

(4b) (i) the family: children from politically conscious families tend to be more politically aware and interested in politics.

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(ii) the school: it is in schools people starts to learn and practice how to play political roles.

(iii) the peer groups; a person is known by groups he keeps. One’s view including political views are influenced by ones playmates and friends.

(iv) the mass media; this includes radio, television, newspaper etc. Mass media passes different education to the people including political education.

(v) religious groups: it is difficult to divorce politics from religion. The mosque and churches direct their members on the political course to follow. ====================================


(5) (i) appointment: the governor had power to appoint , promote, discipline and dismiss any public servants in the colony

(ii) policy formulations: he formulated economic and social policies for the colony

(iii)assent: the governor signed all bills passed by the legislative council

(iv) meeting: he presided over the meetings of both the executive and legislative council

(v) allocation of land: allocation of land acquired by the government were approved by him

(vi) responsible : the governor was responsible to the crown through the secretary of state for the colonies. ====================================

(6) (i) the head of state/ president: the head of state sometimes called the president , is also the commander in chief of the Nigerian Armed forces. He presided over the meetings of the Armed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC), the council of state and the council of ministers.

(ii)Supreme military council (SMC)/ Armed forces ruling council (AFRC); this body is the highest legislative body of the military government in Nigeria. It comprises of the Head of state/ president who is the chairman, the chief of defence staff, the heads of the Army, Navy and Air Force popularly called the service chiefs, the inspector general of police , justice minister, secretary to the federal military government and high ranking military officers.

(iii) the council of state: this organ advises the Head of state on important national issues. It is made up of the president as the chairman, the chief of general staff, former Heads of state and all state military governors.

(iv) national council of ministers: this the organ that implement decisions and policies made by the AFRC. It is headed by the Head of state or president and assisted by the chief of General staff with all federal ministers as members.

(v)the state military governors: a state military Governor is the chief executive and the Head of the state military government and representative of the Head of state in the State. He is responsible to the Head of state and the commander in chief of the Armed Forces. The governor performed both the executive and legislative functions. He is the chairman of the state executive council. He appoints the state commissioners and other officers.

(vi) the judiciary; it remained the same as in the civilian era with Chief Justice as the head. Inclusive are various tribunals which had judges and military officers as members. ====================================

(7) political party; this can be defined as an organized group of people who share similar political ideology, opinions, principles, interest and beliefs with the aims of gaining political power and governing the country.

(7b) (i) education: political parties educates the people on their political rights

(ii) training ground: political parties creates a training ground for young politicians

(iii) serves as a link: it serves as a link between the government and the society

(iv) choosing of leaders: it provides the electorates opportunity of choosing good leaders for the country

(v) watchdog: political parties that are not in power act as watchdog on the activities of the party in power. ====================================

(9) (i)foster friendly relations: nations of the world became friendly through economic, political and socio- cultural interactions.

(ii)lead to world peace: the hostilities in the world are reduced to the bearest minimum through economic, political and social- cultural interactions among the nations of the world.

(iii)lead to equitable re- distribution of natural resources: through economic interactions among the nations of the world, natural resources of the world that are unevenly distributed by the nature are equally re- distributed.

(iv) spread of technical knowledge: through interactions among the nations of the world, the technical knowledge of the so called advanced nations are spread to other less advanced ones

(v) cultural exchanges; social- cultural interactions among the nations of the world lead to exchange of cultural artifacts and cross cultural fertilizations.

(vi) attraction of foreign aids; a lot of foreign aids are attracted to the less developed countries through their interactions among with the more advanced nations. ====================================

(10) (i)waste of financial, human and material resources; a lot of money was spent in prosecuting the war, a great number of life were lost and properties unestimated went into the war

(ii) hardship; innocent citizens and many homes were displaced coupled with severe hardship

(iii) dislocation of educational system; a good number of tertiary institutions were either dislocated or destroyed and some others closed down. Academic pursuit was paralysed.

(iv) truncated economic activities; economic activities were truncated, industries were no longer producing because of the war . The economy of the country was at a standstill.

(v) increased crimes rate; there was increased crimes rate in the country as displaced soldiers were not full demobilised

(vi) currency policy; the currency policy of the federal government made some sections of the country poorer. ====================================

Completed!. ====================================

2021 ONDO STATE JOINT GOVERNMENT ANSWERS ============================= You are to answer two(2) question from this section =========================== (1a) Government as an art of governing is process of running the activities of a state by ensuring orderliness among the citizens. (1b) (I) Law-making: This is one of the functions and it includes execution. (ii) Defence of the country: The essence of the armed forces (army, navy, air force) is to defend the country against external aggression and sustaining the territorial integrity of the state. (iii) Maintenance of law and order: This is basically the functions of the police and law courts. (iv) Administration of Justice: The law courts interpret the law and administer justice. Cases are treated according to their merits. The law courts can also punish offenders. (v) Provision of social services: Provision of social amenities are basic functions of the government. Such amenities like pipe borne water, hospitals, electricity, roads, are however provided from the taxes the people pay. (vi) Protection of lives and property: It is the duty of the government to protect lives and property of the citizens living in the country. (vii) Provision of Job opportunities: Government should provide employment opportunities for its citizens. Some countries like Britain pay the citizens unemployment allowance. (viii)Economic Function: Government has the responsibility of promoting and regulating economic activities in order to enhance growth and the atmosphere for investment. (ix) Political functions: Government is involved here through the setting up of an external body to conduct elections leading to a peaceful change of government. (Pick 4) ============================= (2a)Constitution can be define as a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. (2bi)Written constitution: is a formal document defining the nature of the constitutional settlement, the rules that govern the political system and the rights of citizens and governments in a codified form.
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(ii)Unwritten Constitution : a constitution not embodied in a single document but based chiefly on custom and precedent as expressed in statutes and judicial decisions. (iii)Rigid Constitution : a constitution that is difficult or slow to change usually because of a prescribed process of amendment that is detailed and lengthy in execution. (iv)Flexible Constitution : a constitution that may be amended by the ordinary process of legislation and is therefore relatively easy to amend. ============================= You are to answer Two(2) questions from this aspect ============================= (3a) Legitimacy is the acceptance and recognition by the people of the right of the ruler to govern. (3b) (i) Popular Support – A government is legitimate if it receives the popular support of the citizens. (ii) Popular Participation – For a government to be accorded legitimacy, the citizens must be allowed to participate in political activities. (iii) Good Governance – Any government that operates on the tenets of good governance will be accorded legitimacy. (iv) Good Leadership – Legitimacy will be accorded to a leader with sterling qualities. (v) Ideologies – The ability of the government to uphold the state ideology will help attain legitimacy (vi) Periodic free and fair elections. (vii) Respect for Fundamental Human Rights/Rule of Law. (viii) Appreciable level of socio-economic development in the state by the Government. (ix) International recognition. (x) Respect for the customs and traditions of the people. (xi) Adherence to the provisions of the constitution of the state. Pick 5 =========================== (5a) A citizen is defined as a legal member of a state with full constitutional or legal rights in the country in which he or she resides. While an alien or a non-citizen is any individual who is not a national of a State in which he or she is present. (5b)Check the Diagram below ============================= (6a) Indirect Rule is a British system of ruling her colonies with the use of local chiefs, or other appointed intermediaries, and traditional laws and customs with British officials merely supervising the administration (6b) i). Cheap nature of indirect rule: Apparently, the core reason for indirect rule in Nigeria was because of the cheap nature of the system. Since indirect rule used the local authorities, the colonial masters didn’t spend too much money on the administration. They were able to rule through the local authorities by giving gifts and little money to the illiterate leaders.So, considering the fact that they didn’t have enough money to run the administration and the fact that direct rule will be more difficult and expensive, the colonial masters decide to use indirect rule because it was cheaper. ii.) Language difficulties Another reason for the introduction of indirect rule in Nigeria was language barrier. At the inception of colonialism, Britain found it extremely difficult to communicate with the people of Nigeria because only few were educated enough to understand. Consequently, indirect rule was thought to be the best system of administration because it helped to solve the problem of language barrier.So, instead of communicating directly to the people, who were obviously not able to understand English, Britain used those who could understand and speak to control the system. By so doing, they didn’t went through the stress of speaking directly to the people to convince them of their intentions. iii). Participation by local authorities Knowing fully well that Nigerians would be more receptive to a system where their local leaders in authority are part of, indirect rule seemed to be the best option for colonial masters at that time.Even though the local leaders were not really in control of the system, Nigerians (the north especially) didn’t want to go against their leaders. On the other hand, the colonial masters ruled the country in disguise of incorporating the local leaders into their system. This was undoubtedly one of the reasons why indirect rule largely succeeded in some parts of the country. iv). Lack of British personnels When the colonial masters entered Nigeria, many of them were killed by local diseases in Nigeria. They were unable to stay in Nigeria because our weather condition was not conducive for them. Thus, many of them had to leave. This largely reduced the number of British personnels that were supposed to administer the affairs of the local people.The colonial masters considered that even if they were to use direct rule (that is, the opposite of indirect rule), they didn’t have enough personnels to control all the parts of Nigeria. Based on this, indirect rule was adopted in Nigeria so that the few British personnels around, would be able to control the local people via their local leaders. v). Success of indirect rule in other countries Following the success of indirect rule in places like Ghana and other African countries, the colonial master thought that it will be wise to use indirect rule in Nigeria too.More so, it is that another reason why the colonial masters used indirect rule in Nigeria was because of the failure of direct rule in many countries. Thus, in other not to fail, indirect rule was the best option for the British. vi) Reduction in the possibility of rebellion Again, Britain adopted indirect rule in Nigeria because they were trying to avoid rebellion by Nigerians. I have stated earlier that Nigerians seemed to be more receptive to indirect rule because the system used the traditional leaders of the people to rule them. This made it impossible for the people to oppose the rule by the colonial masters, as that would be an opposition to their own leaders.So you see, the colonial masters were very wise to have adopted indirect rule. That was the reason why they were not vehemently opposed by the local youths during the precolonial erra of Nigeria. vii.) To preserve the custom and tradition of the people Another important reason for the adoption of indirect rule in Nigeria was to preserve the native law and customs in Nigeria. Unlike the French policy of assimilation, the British didn’t want to introduce any system of government that is capable of causing crisis or rebellion by the people. So to resolve this, indirect rule seemed to be the perfect system.So by ruling the people indirectly through their leaders, the colonial masters were able to achieve their aim of colonialism even without introducing a new tradition or taking away the people’s original customs and tradition. viii). Britain’s unwillingness to be involved financially Even when Britain was aware of all the benefits they will get from colonialism, they didn’t just want to be involved financially. They intended to get the biggest benefit with little capital and indirect rule was the best system to achieve this.Basically, they didn’t contribute financially to the system. That was why tax system was introduced in every region of the country so that the people will be able to generate funds that will indirectly be used to administer the affairs of the people again. (Pick 5 👆) ============================ Completed
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