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WAEC Areas of Concentration for Commerce 2024/2025

WAEC Areas of Concentration for Commerce 2024/2025: Commerce is one of the subjects that students can choose to study in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). It is a subject that covers various aspects of business activities, such as production, trade, finance, marketing, and consumer protection.

If you are preparing for the WAEC Commerce examination in 2024 or 2025, you may be wondering what topics you need to focus on and what textbooks you need to read. In this article, we will provide you with the WAEC syllabus for Commerce, which shows you the areas of concentration, the objectives, and the recommended textbooks for each topic.

What is the WAEC Syllabus for Commerce?

The WAEC syllabus for Commerce is a document that outlines the scope and content of the Commerce examination. It is divided into two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I consists of 50 multiple-choice questions that test your knowledge and understanding of basic concepts and principles of Commerce. Paper II consists of eight essay-type questions that test your ability to apply your knowledge and skills to solve problems and analyze issues related to Commerce.

The WAEC syllabus for Commerce also specifies the objectives of each topic, which are the skills and competencies that you are expected to demonstrate in the examination. The objectives are classified into three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The cognitive domain refers to your mental abilities, such as recall, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The affective domain refers to your attitudes, values, interests, and feelings. The psychomotor domain refers to your physical skills and abilities, such as manipulation, coordination, and precision.

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The WAEC syllabus for Commerce also provides a list of recommended textbooks and authors that you can use to study each topic. These textbooks are selected based on their relevance, accuracy, comprehensiveness, and accessibility. However, you are not limited to these textbooks only. You can also use other relevant and reliable sources of information, such as journals, magazines, newspapers, internet resources, and your own notes.

What are the WAEC Areas of Concentration for Commerce 2024/2025?

The areas of concentration for Commerce are the topics that you need to study in depth and master for the examination. They are derived from the WAEC syllabus for Commerce and cover all the aspects of the subject. The areas of concentration for Commerce are as follows:

  1. Introduction
    • Definition of Commerce and E-Commerce
    • History/Background of Commerce
    • Scope of Commerce and E-Commerce
    • Functions of Commerce and E-Commerce
  2. Occupation
    • Meaning of Occupation
    • Types: Industrial, Commercial, Service Occupation
    • Factors that determine types of occupation/employment
    • Career Opportunities
  3. Production
    • Meaning
    • Factors: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
    • Types: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary production
    • Division of labor/specialization
    • Inter-relationship between production and exchange
  4. Business Units
    • Meaning and objectives of business
    • Forms of business units
    • Sources of capital for each form of business
    • Amalgamations, Mergers and Acquisitions, Trust, Holding companies, Subsidiaries, Consortium, and Cartel
    • Dissolution/Liquidation of Companies/Partnership
  5. Trade Associations
    • Aims and functions of Trade Associations
    • Chamber of Commerce, Employers Association
    • Consumer Association/Consumerism
  6. Business Capital and Profits
    • Meaning and types of capital
    • Credit
    • Calculation of working capital
    • Profits, turnover, and factors affecting turnover
  7. Trade
    • Home Trade and Foreign Trade
    • Retail trade and small scale and large scale retailing
    • Wholesale trade
    • Factor making for elimination and survival of middlemen
    • Channel of Distribution
  8. Purchase and Sale of Goods in Home and Foreign Trade
    • Procedure and documents used in business
    • Price Quotation
    • Terms of Payment
    • Means of payment
  9. Finance and Financial Institutions
    • Money
    • Banks
    • Insurance
    • Capital Market
    • Stock Exchange
    • Commodity Exchange
  10. Transport, Tourism, Communication, and Warehousing
    • Transport
    • Tourism
    • Communication
    • Warehousing
  11. Advertising
    • Meaning
    • Roles, advantages, and disadvantages
    • Types
    • Methods
    • Media
  12. Introduction to Marketing
    • Marketing
    • Marketing Concept
    • Customer Services
    • Sales Promotion
    • Differences between market and marketing
  13. Legal Aspects of Business
    • Areas of law that relate to Business
    • Consumer Protection
  14. Government Policies Relating to Business
    • Commercialization
    • Privatization
    • Deregulation
  15. Introduction to Business Management
    • Objectives of business
    • Business Management
    • Business Resources
    • Structure of Business organizational setup
    • Business and its environment
    • Social responsibility of Business
  16. Economic Groupings
    • ECOWAS
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How to Use the WAEC Syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025

The WAEC syllabus for Commerce is a useful guide for students who want to excel in the WASSCE Commerce examination. It helps them to know what topics they need to study, what objectives they need to achieve, and what questions they can expect in the examination. Here are some tips on how to use the WAEC syllabus for Commerce effectively:

  • Download the latest version of the WAEC syllabus for Commerce from the official website of WAEC or from a reputable source. Make sure you have a copy that is clear and legible.
  • Read the syllabus carefully and understand the structure, content, and objectives of each section. Note down the key terms, concepts, and definitions that you need to know.
  • Use the recommended textbooks and authors that are listed in the syllabus as your main sources of study. You can also supplement your study with other relevant materials such as notes, past questions, online resources, and tutors.
  • Study each section of the syllabus in a systematic and logical order. Start from the basics and move on to the more advanced topics. Review each section after you finish studying it and test yourself with questions and exercises.
  • Practice answering past questions and mock tests that are based on the WAEC syllabus for Commerce. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the format, style, and difficulty level of the examination questions. It will also help you to improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence.
  • Revise and reinforce what you have learned regularly. Do not cram or memorize everything at the last minute. Review your notes, summaries, and key points before the examination day.
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The WAEC syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025 is a valuable resource for students who want to ace the WASSCE Commerce examination. It provides a clear and comprehensive outline of the topics, objectives, and expectations of the examination. By following the tips and guidelines on how to use the syllabus effectively, students can improve their knowledge, skills, and performance in Commerce.


Where can I download the WAEC syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025?

You can download the WAEC syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025 from the official website of WAEC or from a reputable source. Make sure you have a copy that is clear and legible.

How many papers are there in the WASSCE Commerce examination?

There are two papers in the WASSCE Commerce examination: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is a multiple-choice paper that contains 50 questions to be answered in 50 minutes. Paper II is an essay paper that contains eight questions, out of which candidates are required to answer any five in two hours.

What are the main sections of the WAEC syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025?

The main sections of the WAEC syllabus for Commerce 2024/2025 are:

– Introduction
– Occupation
– Production
– Business Units
– Trade Associations
– Home Trade
– Foreign Trade
– International Trade Institutions
– Warehousing
– Insurance
– Advertising
– Communication
– Transportation
– Stock Exchange
– Marketing

What are some of the recommended textbooks and authors for studying Commerce?

Some of the recommended textbooks and authors for studying Commerce are:

i. Senior Secondary Commerce, Book One, two and three by M. O. Odedokun, P. C. Udokogu and C. O. N. Oguji.
ii. Basic Marketing- McCarthy Jerome, E. , William Perreault Jr.
iii. Marketing – G. B.  Giles ( The M & E  hand book services)
iv. Consumer Behaviour – Prof. Achumba ( University of Lagos



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