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Waec Agric Questions and Answers 2022 OBJ and Essay 21st May 2022

Waec Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Answers 2022: here are the verified Waec 2022 Agricultural Science Obj and Essay questions and answers for SS3 students for Friday 21st June 2022. Waec 2022 Agricultural Science Obj and Essayogy Practical Questions and Answers.


(i) Monocropping: The practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land.

(ii) Mixed cropping: It involves the growing of two or more species or cultivars of the same species simultaneously in the same field.

(iii) Mixed farming: It is a type of farming which involves both the growing of crops and the raising of livestock.

(iv) Crop rotation: the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area across a sequence of growing seasons.

Phosphorus deficiency

(i) Anhydrous ammonia
(ii) Ammonium sulfate
(iii) Superphosphate
(iv) Urea-ammonium nitrate

(i) Wax
(ii) Propolis
(iii) Old brood comb
(iv) Pheromones
(v) Lemongrass essential oil 

(i) Balanced diet: This is a diet consisting balanced amounts in proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water intake for healthy growth and for efficient daily activities and functions.

(ii) Maintenance ration: This is the amount of feed given to an animal that are just enough to enable the animal carry out its important functions like respiration, digestion, regulation of body temperature. It does not allow for an increase or decrease in body weight or production.

(iii) Production ration: This is the amount of nutrients supplied to animals in excess of those needed for maintenance. The excess nutrients are thus used for productive purposes such as meat, egg and milk production. The quantity and quality determine the magnitude of increase in production.

(iv) Malnutrition: This refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization.

(i) Retarded growth.
(ii) Low production of eggs.
(iii) Decrease in milk production.
(iv) High mortality rate in young animals.
(v) Presence of farm animal diseases.
(vi) Physical deformities.
(vii) Weight loss/emaciation.
(viii) Poor appearance.

(i) Shading
(ii) Mulching
(iii) Weeding
(iv) Watering

(i) To safeguard farmers against unreasonable eviction
(ii) To ensure that agricultural land is not unnecessarily diverted to non-agricultural purposes
(iii) To make large tracts of land available for government-sponsored development of large scale farms 
(iv) To carry out large scale improvement such as irrigation, drainage and soil water conservation
(v) For even distribution of land

Mechanical power

(i) It can handle more areas per unit of time
(ii) It works faster and more efficient
(iii) It can perform a wide range of operation
(iv) It reduces cost of labor and total cost of production

(i) Seed tube: They conduct seeds from feed cups to the furrow lines
(ii) Furrow opener: It creates a well-defined groove in the soil where the seed can be placed at the proper depth
(iii) Hopper: holds particulate matter or flow-able material of any sort
(iv) Seed metering device: to collect seed in a singular or group fashion
(v) Furrow wheel: To stabilize the plough and take side thrust

(i) Power threshers
(ii) Milling machine
(iii) Winnowing machine

WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions And Answers 2022, EXPO: WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers 2022/2023, 2022/2023 WAEC EXPO ON Agricultural Science Obj and Essay QUESTIONS, 2022 Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions & Answers is Out.

Waec Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Answers 2022 for 21st June 2022 with questions Practical 100% verified official questions and answers for senior secondary schools.

Waec Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Answers 2022

Tuesday, 21st June 2022

  • Agricultural Science 2 (Essay) 2:00 hrs. – 4:10pm
  • Agricultural Science 1 (Objective) 4:10pm – 5:00pm

Waec 2022 Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers

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WAEC GCE Biology 2022 Answers & Questions for Practical, WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Practical Questions and Answers 2022, 2022/2023 WAEC EXPO ON Agricultural Science Obj and Essay QUESTIONS, WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers for 2022/2023, WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay questions and answers, WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers 2022/2023 Expo/Runs.


Use this number one (1)
Nweze is the first lawyer in Ibuza, and everyone admires him because he’s someone who has tasted what civilization looks like? This time, the people are set to welcome him home. The women of Ibuza are busy composing and rehearsing songs to welcome him from Wharf. Upon his arrival, it is noticeable that he could not swallow pounded yam anymore, he could not even eat a piece of bone. “The meat they cooked for him has to be stewed for days until it was almost a pulp” One good thing that the people respect him for is the fact that he did not bring a white woman with him like the rest of been-to. All Pa’s friends agree with him that he’s a good man because if he had brought a white woman to Ibuza Oboshi would have sent leprosy on the woman.

Lawyer Nweze is a source of inspiration and motivation for Adah. His personality sparks fire that propels. Adah wants to go to the United Kingdom one day, and she keeps the dream to herself, but her dreams soon assume substance. It lives with her, just like a presence.Adah, as a child, likes to be associated with Lawyer Nweze. She even claims to her schoolmates that Lawyer Nweze is her cousin. It is Lawyer Nweze’s story that gives Adah the inspiration to dream of travelling to the United Kingdom one day.

The Ibuza women in Lagos are preparing to welcome Lawyer Nweze back to Nigeria after successfully earning a law degree in the United Kingdom. Humour is one of the aspects of language and style in this novel. An instance is seen in the expression, ‘Going to the United Kingdom must surely be like paying God a visit’. A case of onomatopoeia is seen in the word ‘United Kingdom’ being made to sound like a bomb. Lawyer Nweze is held in awe by the people. He is the first man of Ibuza to have a law degree and from a foreign country. The women have to perm their hair to look European in preparation for the reception. This suggests the influence of western culture on Africans, which is a major consequence of colonisation.
You are to Answer only One From This Section
From its earliest stages, Hareton and Cathy Linton’s relationship is colored by the fact that she can read and he cannot. She drives him away by teasing him about his inability to read, and her decision to teach him to read is what eventually resolves their differences and allows them to love one another. Cathy’s reading lessons can also be seen as rehabilitating Hareton after his unhappy childhood with Heathcliff, who purposely prevented him from learning to read in hopes of getting revenge on Hareton’s father, Hindley. In other words The two overcome their biggest obstacle when Hareton forbids Cathy to speak ill of Heathcliff, and Cathy, with a growing maturity based on love, decides it would only be cruel to persist in trying to make Hareton see that Heathcliff has treated him abominably, realizing that “he was attached by ties stronger than reason could break”. As she watches Hareton and Cathy huddle like innocent, both minds tending to the same point one loving and desiring to esteem, and the other loving and desiring to be esteemed they contrived in the end to reach it”. She sees their eventual union as inevitable, calling it will be “the crown of all my wishes”.
Ras the Extort er (later called Ras the Destroyer)
Ras is a Black Nationalist agitator who considers the black men of the communist party traitors to their race because they are still acting as the white men’s puppets. Ras is an Ethiopia name which means Prince and he is obsessed with the idea of race. As a charismatic leader, he has a kind of God like power in the novel. His guiding philosophy is that blacks should cast off oppression and prejudice by destroying the ability of white men to control them. This philosophy leads to violence and the narrator is opposed to such ideology. The novelist has not in any way portrayed Ras as a villain.

He is depicted as a West Indian and has reminded us of Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican born Black. Nationalist who was influential in 1920s. Like Ras Garvey was a charismatic racial separatist who advocated black pride. Ras is also a visionary leader and a prophet. But because Ras is black, he is perceived as a dangerous militant and rabble-muser whose voice must be silenced. He also possesses powerful oratory skills – he nearly convinces Brother Clifton that he has joined the wrong “Brotherhood” and is selling his people which eventually leads to tragic consequences.

Ras has called his followers to Iynach the narrator as a traitor to the black people and to hang him among the mannequins. But Ras yearns for the narrator’s death, and the narrator runs away.

Res, though a black but he plays a good role in criticizing the odd and wrong done by the blacks to their fellow blacks and thereby trying to promote some good nature and belief of the white.
Nii decides to take his wife, Massa to the spiritualist home as her sickness persists. The caring powder from the spiritualist only stopped the frequent stooling. The journey to the village is quite tempestuous and tiresome. Massa on her part could not make the journey and she passes out in the vehicle. Nii pleads with the driver to convey them to a nearby hospital for medical attention all to no avail. On getting there, Nii is ushered into an office to pay for service at the hospital mortuary. He is to pay the sum of one hundred cedi for each day and it must be increased if the corpse is kept at the mortuary for more than three days Nii’s mind is occupied with so many things such as; the cost of transporting the corpse, the cost of burial, the coffin, clothing and drinks. Nii left the dead body of massa and traveled.

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WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Specimen 2022 (100% Legit) Expo

Mama and Joe haven traced Massa to be the late wife of the brother they both convey Massa’s corpse to Sampa village for burial. The procession to the cemetery is a pleasant one. The people in the town gave them warm welcome and appreciate their efforts in bringing Massa’s dead body home. Mama learnt one thing about Massa, she had been an adopted child and had not visited the village for a long time.

It was at the point, they massa was given a befitting burial.
The narrator’s encounter with Kimbro is seen at the liberty paint plant.
The narrator’s entrance to the paint plant is uneventful as he must cross a bridge in the fog, implying that, he is unable to see out around him. The narrator is sent to Mr. Kimbro who will serve as his boss. This man dishes out instructions and also asks the workers not to ask questions. The narrator’s first job is with the pure white paint the company is known for. When the narrator mixes the wrong ingredient into the paint because he is afraid to ask Kimbro questions, the paint turns a dull grey underneath the white. Kimbro notices the difference and he’s fired from the job and he’s sent to another Boss, Mr. Brockway, who has a position in the basement as a sort of engineer. Brockway bombards the narrator with numerous questions about his past before he gives him a job.

It was after the sacked of the Narrator by Kimbro that he had another bad encounter with his new boss and it was at the point of explanation that the new Boss Brockway who explodes in anger at his participation in a union. Brockway physically attacks him, refusing to listen to his explanation. The narrator becomes enraged and fights off Mr. Brockway, knocking his teeth out. As a result of inattention to the gauges in the room, the pressure goes over the allotted mark, the narrator tries to pull the value back under control all to no avail. The tank bursts and the narrator is knocked unconscious.

In Senehun and Mendeland at large, women are not treated as equals of men. Women are considered fragile, vulnerable and incapable of managing crises. At the beginning of the play when Gbanya drags Yoko into the inner chamber, he claims that he needs Yoko more than her Sande girls. To him, women have no responsibility than to satisfy men’s sexual urge.

Initially, Gbanya has promised Yoko she would be his successor. However, with troubles around, he feels reluctant to handover the throne to her because he believes women cannot handle a land at war. This is the same stance of Lamboi. The excuse he gives for wanting to kill Gbanya is because he does not want the latter to appoint Yoko as his successor.

In Mendeland, women usually are not allowed into the Poro cult. Yoko is the only exception. In the village, there is a certain prejudice held against women. They are considered inferior and except for Yoko who forges ahead, women are not assigned ruling positions.




His peaceful ways and calm manner give Beneatha an appreciation of his views even when they disagree. Contrasted with George Murchison’s abrasive put-downs of Beneatha and George’s insistence on retaining his narrow-minded views, Asagai appears as Beneatha’s savior from the potential tragedy of her eventually becoming George’s wife. In other words Asagai is helpful and concerned about the welfare of others. He volunteers to assist in the move to Clybourne Park and offers much-needed consolation and good advice to Beneatha when she is at her lowest. He counsels Beneatha spiritually and emotionally, helping her to get back “on track” as she rails against her brother’s foolishness in having lost the money.
He was used in the play to make a radical point about race
he is persistent but never overbearing. He flatters her with gifts (something that George Murchison has not done); in addition, Asagai’s gifts are not meaningless trinkets but are things that are both useful to and desired by Beneatha — such as the Nigerian robes he clearly has gone to a lot of trouble to obtain. Asagai’s compliments to Beneatha are sincere and therefore believable


The play explores the contrast of tradition and modernity in the wake of early colonialism which is the primary conflict in the play. The tradition in question is the Yoruba customs against a western conception of progress and modernity as represented by the conflict between Baroka and Lakunle for Sidi’s hand in marriage. Lakunle who represents the modern Nigerian man, wears Western clothing, speaks and behaves like an English man, and has been educated in a presumably British school. His supreme desire is to turn llunjunle into a modern paradise like the city of Lagos. He actively despises the traditional customs of his village and the people who pledge support to them. This is best exemplified when Lakunle refuses to pay Sidi’s bride price.

2022 WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay ANSWERS

He goes further to call the tradition that demands the payment of bride price “an ignoble customs, infamous, ignominy / sharing our heritage before the world” and “to pay the price would be / to buy a heifer off the market stall / you’d be my chattel, my mere property” This means that Lakunle attributes such act to a mere process of buying and selling of goods and commodities which is contrary to his western idea about marriage. Lakunle’s refusal means that it is much more important to convert Sidi to his way of thinking, views, and ideas into a “modern wife”, than it is to marry her. “In a year or two / You will have machines which will do / without it getting in your eyes” Lakunle intends to transform and change the tradition and roles ascribed to African women which are contrary to his western beliefs and that is why he says, “Sidi, I do not seek a wife / To fetch and carry / To cook and scrub / To bring forth children by the gross; I seek a life-companion”

However, Baroka on the other hand is an ant-modernist and his extreme desire is to preserve the village’s traditional way of life. Lakunle who finds Baroka’s lifestyle and views archaic, also describes how Baroka paid off a surveyor not to construct train tracks through the outskirts of llunjunle, thereby preventing the village from experiencing the modern world. Also, Baroka clearly demonstrates that he does not hate modernity or progress, and he does not want it imposed on him or bend the village’s way of life all in the name of civilization and modernity. Baroka wishes to add Sidi to his many wives which are fully accepted by the custom of the land, while Lakunle dreams of one wife according to the dictate of western culture. According to the tradition, when Baroka dies, Sidi will become the head wife of the new Bale, a position that would make her one of the most powerful women in llunjunle. As soon as she realizes that the idea of modern marriage may make her less powerful with the fewer rights she opts for traditional marriage. In the end, Baroka triumphs in the fight for Sidi’s hand in marriage. This shows African ways of life are still a lot more supreme than the western culture that appears more complex, complicated, and incomprehensible.

The play examines the clash of two distinct cultures that is the conflict between African and European customs or ways of life as it’s Traditional with modernity Baroka who is the proponent of traditional culture tries hard to prevent the advent of western civilization and foreign values into llunjunle as the selfish Baroka bribes the surveyor to divert the railway track away from llunjunle, thereby foiling the intending progress in the village. This clash is also seen when the stranger from Lagos, (Photo Journalist), the seat of western civilization, makes the indigenous culture less attractive as he causes a stir during his visit to llunjunle. The people describe his camera as a “one-eyed box” and his motor car as “the devil’s own horse”. The photographs on the cover page and inside of Lagos Man’s Magazine boosts Sidi’s ego and this almost makes her overlook her union with Baroka, for she begins to attract more importance to her growing fame.


The struggle for power between the Shuwa and Kanuri people in Borno caused a division that eventually led to the decline of the empire and borno lost its trade to Sokoto in the West and the control of the Eastern trans-Saharan trade routes which was the bedrock of the empire’s greatness was also lost. In other words the peasants were neglected and the dynasty made more demands on the meager resources of the poor. Although the dynasty ended, the kingdom of Kanem-Bornu survived. Umar could not match his father’s vitality ,and gradually allowed the kingdom to be ruled by advisers. Bornu began a further decline as a result of administrative disorganization, regional particularism, and attacks by the militant Ouaddai Empire to the east. The decline continued under Umar’s sons. In 1893, Rabih az-Zubayr led an invading army from eastern Sudan and conquered Bornu. Following his expulsion shortly thereafter, the state was absorbed by the British-ruled entity that eventually became known as Nigeria. From that point on, a remnant of the old kingdom was (and still is) allowed to continue to exist in subjection to the various governments of the country as the Borno Emirate.

Removal of sectionalism: the Clifford constitution is the fact that it brought sectionalism into the politics of Nigeria. The Richard constitution which immediately followed the Clifford constitution sought to correct this. The constitution therefore sought to promote the unity of Nigeria.
Introduction of federalism: The Richard constitution is credited to have introduced the federal idea into the Nigerian body politics. This is because the constitution made provision for the creation of three regions, each with its Regional Legislative Council. This gave the indication that Nigeria may become a federal state in the future.
More consultative than Clifford constitution: There was more consultation with the Nigerians in the introduction of the Richard constitution. Though this was the case, the Richard constitution is also criticized for not engaging in enough consultation with the broad masses of Nigerians before its promulgation.


👉The Limited powers of Obas: In my last article about the pre-colonial administration od the Yorubas (west), i explained how the principle of checks and balances control the west.
👉Education: Education played a significant role in the partial success of the system of indirect rule in the west.
👉Less submissiveness of the people: Another reason why the system partially succeeded in the West was because, the subjects were not as submissive as their counterparts in the North.This made them not to accept indirect rule blindly.
👉Religion: Majority of the Yorubas were christians and Christianity is not as conservative as its counterpart in the North-islam.Christians therefore questioned the reasons for the introduction of indirect rule.
👉. Restoring authority In the Alafin Of Oyo: It is generally believed that the attempt made by lugard to restore authority in Yorubaland to the Alaafin Of Oyo instead of Ooni of Ife contributed immensely to the partial success of indirect rule in the West.


Politicization of the Army;
One of the major reasons for military intervention in Nigeria’s politics in 1966 was the politicization of the Army. Following the independence of Nigeria, almost all the regions in Nigeria seeked to take total control of the military so as to use it as weapon over other regions. The Nigerian army was seriously politicized to the extent that appointments and promotions were based on tribe and political sentiments rather than seniority and merit.

Lack of free and fair election; After Nigeria got independence in 1960 the political system of the country was so damaged that even a free and fair election could not be conducted. In the election that brought Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe and Alhaji Tafawa Balewa as leaders of Nigeria, there was so much corruption and doubt about the result of the election.

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Corruption; Apparently, corruption was also a major causative factor for the frequent military intervention in Nigeria in 1966. The military had to take over power because the rate of corruption in Nigeria was becoming unbearable. Nigeria was ranked the most corrupt country in Africa. Politicians became so corrupt and the economy of the country was mismanaged. The wealth of the country was spent recklessly and this encouraged incessant military coups in the country.

Political ambition of the military; I must not forget to mention that the military also intervened in the politics of Nigeria solely because of their political ambition. After independence, the military had the urge to take-over power from civilians, because they thought that they should be the once to rule the country since they have the responsibility to defend the territorial integrity and other core interests of the nation

Play-within-a play is one of the device commonly employed by playwrights in which the characters of a play perform brief dramatic sketches in the course of the play. In this play, it is used as a form of flashback in “The dance of the lost traveler” to enact the experience of the Lagos visitor. Through the play, the audience gains an insight into the ordeal of the Lagos visitor during his first visit who has problems with his car and has to abandon it to continue his exploration on foot.

WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers 2022/2023

The second play is dramatized to illustrate how Baroka bribes the surveyor to divert the railway track from llunjunle.

The third play is called “The dance of virility employed to mock Baroka which involves a combination of music, mime, and movement meant to entertain the characters themselves.



The narrator’s encounter with Kimbro is seen at the liberty paint plant.

The narrator’s entrance to the paint plant is uneventful as he must cross a bridge in the fog, implying that, he is unable to see out around him. The narrator is sent to Mr. Kimbro who will serve as his boss. This man dishes out instructions and also asks the workers not to ask questions. The narrator’s first job is with the pure white paint the company is known for. When the narrator mixes the wrong ingredient into the paint because he is afraid to ask Kimbro questions, the paint turns a dull grey underneath the white. Kimbro notices the difference and he’s fired from the job and he’s sent to another Boss, Mr. Brockway, who has a position in the basement as a sort of engineer. Brockway bombards the narrator with numerous questions about his past before he gives him a job.

It was after the sacked of the Narrator by Kimbro that he had another bad encounter with his new boss and it was at the point of explanation that the new Boss Brockway who explodes in anger at his participation in a union. Brockway physically attacks him, refusing to listen to his explanation. The narrator becomes enraged and fights off Mr. Brockway, knocking his teeth out. As a result of inattention to the gauges in the room, the pressure goes over the allotted mark, the narrator tries to pull the value back under control all to no avail. The tank bursts and the narrator is knocked unconscious.


Jimmy attacks Alison both verbally and physically throughout the play since his wife reminds him of everything he despises from the beginning. Jimmy verbally attacks Alison and her family members because he wants her to answer a question about an article in the newspaper but Alison defends that she has not read it yet. He humiliates and attacks Alison and her brother, Nigel.
Contrary to Jimmy, Alison does not give any direct reaction against Jimmy’s aggressive behavior. She prefers to maintain silence. She knows that if she gives any reaction to his attack, he will be triumphant. Alison’s silence and seeming ignorance can also be considered as a weapon in order to save her from Jimmy’s assaults. Jimmy not only attack Alison but also other members of her family and her friends. He calls her parents “Militant, arrogant and full of malice”
He labels her friends “sycophantic phlegmatic and of course, top of the bill pusillanimous.
Jimmy also hates Alison’s mother because she is dedicated to her middle classrooms and her concern about her daughter marrying a man beneath her social status that she even hire a detective to watch Jimmy because he does not trust him. This makes him angry at middle-class value. He therefore calls Alison’s mum “old bitch” and she should be dead.
Consequently, Jimmy’s anger against every member of the play can be attributed to his rough and thorny background and his loss of childhood. Jimmy is frail and insecure because he says he was exposed to death, loneliness and pain at a very early age.


Play-within-a play is one of the device commonly employed by playwrights in which the characters of a play perform brief dramatic sketches in the course of the play. In this play, it is used as a form of flashback in “The dance of the lost traveler” to enact the experience of the Lagos visitor. Through the play, the audience gains an insight into the ordeal of the Lagos visitor during his first visit who has problems with his car and has to abandon it to continue his exploration on foot.

The second play is dramatized to illustrate how Baroka bribes the surveyor to divert the railway track from llunjunle.  

The third play is called “The dance of virility employed to mock Baroka which involves a combination of music, mime, and movement meant to entertain the characters themselves.


WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay 2022 Specimen & Answers Now Out

Troy is chiefly responsible for this desire for order, though for a different reason his wife Rose also craves it. Troy is caught in a world in which he feels he does not belong. He carries with him the scars, oppression, and disorder of his Southern childhood, the abuse of his father, and an unwelcome Pittsburgh. Troy’s sense of responsibility comes from his own father’s bitter care for him and his siblings. His father’s loyalty to his family can be seen as poisonous; his father’s betrayal poisons his own relationship with Corey. Ultimately, Troy becomes his father. He abandons Rose for another woman and stubbornly refuses to repent for his sins. He also abandons his own brother and son, severing his relationships in his own quest for freedom. Troy demonstrates the idea that responsibility becomes as much a liability as a virtue.


Number 11

The Persona concludes that, the earlier life could not be anything substantive. It could only be:

(i) A childlike experience of no substances and no seriousness.

(ii) A dreamlike experience which wouldn’t be anywhere near the profound love life they now have

(iii) A life of no meaning or a life lived in a state of sleep.

The poetic persona reveals that true love will never die unlike other types of love that are based on lust and benefits. While true love is permanent and eternal, other types of love are temporal and ephemeral.



To the Magi, the loss of their traditions to impending Christianity is like staring both death and defeat in the face at once. Death doesn’t make its real entrance until the end of “Journey of the Magi,” but when it finally does sashay onto the scene, it puts all too fine a point on what the coming of Jesus means to the Magi and their people.
The birth of Jesus, the three kings, and Biblical allusions galore. “Journey of the Magi” has religion written all over it, and that’s just the obvious stuff. Since the whole poem is about the coming of Christianity, every word is packed with religious meaning that can be picked apart with a fine-toothed comb. Allow Shmoop.

WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions and Answers 2022 Expo

(3) FEAR
There are two distinct layers of fear in “Journey of the Magi.” First, there’s the Magus-as-character fear – the kind that’s pretty easy to identify by the end of the poem. And then there’s the kind of fear that that first kind implies. Now before you go asking yourself what in the world Shmoop’s babbling on about, allow us to explain: by making the Magus a character that’s super wary of spiritual change, Eliot’s secretly telling us about his own fears surrounding his recent religious conversion. After all, Eliot grew up with no real spiritual upbringing, and even though his conversion to Anglicanism was certainly his choice, that doesn’t necessarily mean it was an easy one. Which is maybe why fear comes out with guns a-blazin’ in this poem.
The “Journey of the Magi” is chock full of traditions being challenged left and right. There’s this strange sense of impending doom about the birth of Jesus, and the dawning knowledge that the old way of life for these Magi is long gone. You’d think that a poem about the birth of Jesus would be all kinds of happy about ushering in a new era of religious exaltation, but mostly this poem is moping about a long-dead past. Hey, it’s Eliot. His glass was almost always half-empty. If not shattered altogether.
As journey’s go, the “Journey of the Magi” really blows. It begins and ends with suffering, and the Magi suffer a whole lot during the journey, too, what with all the bad weather and even worse people. But there’s a bigger suffering going on here, too. There’s the psychological suffering of the dying culture of the Magi, plus the physical and mental anguish we know this kid, Jesus, will experience as he grows up to become Christ. So what do we make of all this? We think Eliot’s reminding us that a whole lot about spirituality and religion revolves around suffering, and that suffering often comes with religious transformation.

authority can be defined as the ability to give a command and to ensure that people yield to the commandment.It is associated with the ability to make decisions and enforce it.

(i) political authority: this is the power given to a group of people by the constitution to make decisions and enforce obedience.

(ii) traditional authority; this is the power legitimized and defined by customs and traditions. It is acquired through inheritance.

(iii) coercive authority: this is the of authority that nvolved the use of force.

(iv)delegated authority: this is the authority conferred on a subordinate to exercise certain powers on specified authority.

(v) charismatic authority: this type of authority is based on extra ordinary personal qualities of an individual.

(i) membership of international organization: such as U.N.O, AU, OPEC, ECOWAS etc which many nations belong to had placed serious limitations to the sovereignty of such nations.

(ii) influence of powerful nation: powerful countries like U.S.A, USSR, BRITAIN etc have a lot of influence on the external sovereignty of smaller and weaker nations.

(iii) external aids: many poverty stricken nations mortgage their external sovereignty for economic , military and technical assistance.

(iv) supremacy of the Constitution: no matter the institution or a body in which sovereignty is located , the power of such body or institution is limited by the Constitution of the state. No body is above the law of the land.

(v) diplomatic immunity: diplomats representing their countries in other countries of the world have diplomatic immunity. Some of their actions can undermine the sovereignty of their host states.

socialization; this refers to a process by which citizens are educated on the values, attitudes and beliefs of the political system. Political culture of a the society is transmitted from one generation to another through political socialization.

(i) the family: children from politically conscious families tend to be more politically aware and interested in politics.

(ii) the school: it is in schools people starts to learn and practice how to play political roles.

(iii) the peer groups; a person is known by groups he keeps. One’s view including political views are influenced by ones playmates and friends.

(iv) the mass media; this includes radio, television, newspaper etc. Mass media passes different education to the people including political education.

(v) religious groups: it is difficult to divorce politics from religion. The mosque and churches direct their members on the political course to follow.

2022 WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay SPECIMEN ANSWER

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(i) appointment: the governor had power to appoint , promote, discipline and dismiss any public servants in the colony

(ii) policy formulations: he formulated economic and social policies for the colony

(iii)assent: the governor signed all bills passed by the legislative council

(iv) meeting: he presided over the meetings of both the executive and legislative council

(v) allocation of land: allocation of land acquired by the government were approved by him

(vi) responsible : the governor was responsible to the crown through the secretary of state for the colonies.

(i) the head of state/ president: the head of state sometimes called the president , is also the commander in chief of the Nigerian Armed forces. He presided over the meetings of the Armed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC), the council of state and the council of ministers.

(ii)Supreme military council (SMC)/ Armed forces ruling council (AFRC); this body is the highest legislative body of the military government in Nigeria. It comprises of the Head of state/ president who is the chairman, the chief of defence staff, the heads of the Army, Navy and Air Force popularly called the service chiefs, the inspector general of police , justice minister, secretary to the federal military government and high ranking military officers.

(iii) the council of state: this organ advises the Head of state on important national issues. It is made up of the president as the chairman, the chief of general staff, former Heads of state and all state military governors.

(iv) national council of ministers: this the organ that implement decisions and policies made by the AFRC. It is headed by the Head of state or president and assisted by the chief of General staff with all federal ministers as members.

(v)the state military governors: a state military Governor is the chief executive and the Head of the state military government and representative of the Head of state in the State. He is responsible to the Head of state and the commander in chief of the Armed Forces. The governor performed both the executive and legislative functions. He is the chairman of the state executive council. He appoints the state commissioners and other officers.

(vi) the judiciary; it remained the same as in the civilian era with Chief Justice as the head. Inclusive are various tribunals which had judges and military officers as members.

political party; this can be defined as an organized group of people who share similar political ideology, opinions, principles, interest and beliefs with the aims of gaining political power and governing the country.

(i) education: political parties educates the people on their political rights

(ii) training ground: political parties creates a training ground for young politicians

(iii) serves as a link: it serves as a link between the government and the society

(iv) choosing of leaders: it provides the electorates opportunity of choosing good leaders for the country

(v) watchdog: political parties that are not in power act as watchdog on the activities of the party in power.

(i)foster friendly relations: nations of the world became friendly through economic, political and socio- cultural interactions.

(ii)lead to world peace: the hostilities in the world are reduced to the bearest minimum through economic, political and social- cultural interactions among the nations of the world.

(iii)lead to equitable re- distribution of natural resources: through economic interactions among the nations of the world, natural resources of the world that are unevenly distributed by the nature are equally re- distributed.

(iv) spread of technical knowledge: through interactions among the nations of the world, the technical knowledge of the so called advanced nations are spread to other less advanced ones

(v) cultural exchanges; social- cultural interactions among the nations of the world lead to exchange of cultural artifacts and cross cultural fertilizations.

(vi) attraction of foreign aids; a lot of foreign aids are attracted to the less developed countries through their interactions among with the more advanced nations.

WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Questions And Answers 2022 

(i)waste of financial, human and material resources; a lot of money was spent in prosecuting the war, a great number of life were lost and properties unestimated went into the war

(ii) hardship; innocent citizens and many homes were displaced coupled with severe hardship

(iii) dislocation of educational system; a good number of tertiary institutions were either dislocated or destroyed and some others closed down. Academic pursuit was paralysed.

(iv) truncated economic activities; economic activities were truncated, industries were no longer producing because of the war . The economy of the country was at a standstill.

(v) increased crimes rate; there was increased crimes rate in the country as displaced soldiers were not full demobilised

(vi) currency policy; the currency policy of the federal government made some sections of the country poorer.

She never informed her children of her intention to visit because she always expects them to be at the house

Mama whiled away the hours on the journey by chatting with a fellow passenger with whom she had a common reason for visitation

Mama couldn’t pay her taxi fare completely. Mama couldn’t communicate well with the new watchman due to language barrier

The taxi driver left with own of Mama’s bags because she owed him.

Mama will never forget what she had for dinner because that wasn’t the kind of food she eats when she visits her daughter

(i) Relative or adjectival cause
(ii) Functions as object complement to the word “passenger”

Mama learned to always call before visiting

(i) unimaginable – unbelievable.
(ii)heartily – sincerely.
(iii) Outrageous- shocking.
(iv) numerous – many.
(v) Frantically- desperately.
(vi) fraudulent- deceitful.

Forest tree serve as protection against erosion

Logs gotten from Forests trees are processed into paper
Forests feed the earth humans and animal that live in them

By the relevant authorities enacting Laws that will mandate tree planting to replace filled dries
Soft copies of books should be preferred to hard copies
By government discouraging the cultivation of forests as farmlands by creating forests reserve.

ESSAY WRITING (1, 2, 5) – Answer One question only from this section
Rose, a young graduate, was searching for a company job. She got a teaching appointment but rejected it. Teaching, she said, is a profession that stifles the progress of man. Moreover the reward of teachers is in Heaven. She was obsessed with the idea of working in a company. After two years of unemployment she did not find life easy. It was becoming unbearable. She could not continue to beg for daily bread. It was dehumanizing. She could not sell her body for money since she came from a good Christian home. It was irritating to her to stay indoors. This situation prevailed until she met Jerry Jones, an old school mate who promised he would get her a job. He gave her an appointment. When she came he introduced her to the idea of drug trafficking. He told her how wealthy she would be in a short time and that she would finally be laughing at those who were ridiculing her when she had no money.

At first Rose objected to this proposal. Jones put more pressure on her because he feared Rose would expose him. She eventually succumbed, without thinking of the repercussions of being caught. She made the first trip and a it was successful. There was plenty of money. She did not believe how wealthy she had become. She was also successful in her second trip. Temptation, unlike opportunity, will always give one a second chance. She did not remember the saying, “Many days are for the thief but one day for the owner of the house.” The severe penalty for drug pushing did not deter her. She began to live big in accordance with the Epicurean philosophy of “Enjoy today for tomorrow you may die.”

2022 WAEC Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Answers [21st June]

Rose was caught in her fifth attempt. She would have wisely stopped after her first trip but “when a dog wants to die it does not perceive the smell of excreta.” Her master Jerry Jones, the drug baron, did not come to her aid. Rose was shown on the television screen as a drug pusher. She was clamped into detention for two years before she was tried. Rose spent a lot of money during her trial. She sold most of her property to hire a very brilliant lawyer, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN).

Finally she was lucky to be discharged and acquitted for want of evidence. But the first casualty was her freedom and the second her reputation because even though she was freed, people avoided her like a leper. Nobody desired her for a wife any longer. She now realized that one should work through lawful ways to achieve satisfying success. A female drug pusher was a shame to womanhood, that “slow and steady wins the race.” She cursed the day she met Jerry Jones. “I HAVE NEVER FELT SO EMBARRASSED IN MY LIFE” she lamented.


The Importance of promoting good Reading habits in students. They say it for a reason that books are your best friends. While growing up the best habit you can inculcate is reading because you become what you read. The books that you read play a very important role in your up-bringing as they are your guide for the journey of life. Here are a few personality attributes which are highly influenced by regular reading habit.

Improves Communication
Books are the best way to get acquainted with extra- ordinary words in the english language. Reading books will help you learn new words and demonstrate different ways in which you can use them in your daily expression. This will ultimately improve your personal vocabulary. Also to understand the grammar of any language, reading stories and articles of that particular language will increase your depth of understanding about it.

Better Ability to Comprehend.
Kids who develop the habit of reading at an early age are good at comprehending situations and develop a better sense of understanding than those who do not read. They are capable of understanding serious situations and analyze the cause and effect scenario maturely. To develop reading abilities early on, try reading aloud and take baby steps towards improvement. Don’t be too hard on yourself, take pleasure in reading.

Imparts Knowledge
There is no denying in the fact that reading imparts knowledge in a person. Gaining knowledge makes you feel confident about the subject and invokes your interest deeper into the topics. For cognitive development, school curriculums also include various interesting topics so that students are keen about the subject from young age. Aids Sleeping Reading before bedtime helps fight insomnia better than indulgence in the electronic devices which works totally opposite. Books aid your sleep naturally and involve your brain into knowledgeable things before sleeping. Psychologically it is recommended that people should think about healthy thoughts before going to bed. A good book read before bed time can work wonders for the peace of mind. Escape From Real World Books give a person the unstoppable freedom to explore the world of fiction. The writers as well as the readers are free to take up topics of their choice and throw open the gates of the fictitious world in their mind. Some works of fiction roll over books after books but never lose the grip of the readers on the series. It is because creative minds are powerhouses of exciting amusements and we can only agree more if we had read some of those amazing creations.


Write your own address

Dear Olamide,
How are you? I hope you are feeling well. I must confess that I have missed our company and I believe you have as well. I was glad to receive your letter last month from Mama. However, my excitement lasted only with the fact that I heard from you. Your decision to stop schooling for business is some how not going down well with me due to the following reasons

First, it is not a sound decision to stop schooling after the third year. You have barely a year to finish from school. If I were in your shoes, I would have graduated from school and then start my business. The prevailing unemployment might be the major reason why you are scared of continuing. It is understandable. I would want you to view it from this perspective, what would be the reward for your three year labour at school if you eventually dropped out. In the same vein, business requires patience and time to get rewards.

Furthermore, a better businessman is the one who is educated. There will be difference between how a stack illiterate will do their business from an educated person. As an half baked graduate, you may not be different from those who didn’t go to school at all

Waec 2022 Agricultural Science Obj and Essay Answers – 21st June 2022

Finally, certificates from school nowadays are not meant for chasing white collar jobs. They are actually ends to the means. It is very important that you consider graduating to get the certificate.
There will be opportunities for educated people eventually in the future. I would advise that you finish schooling.

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